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Customer Service

OC Transpo and Para Transpo Customer Service line


Customer Service hours:

  • Monday – Friday (7am – 9pm);
  • Saturday (8am – 9pm);
  • Sunday (9am – 5pm)

Para Transpo reservations: Monday – Sunday (7am – 5pm)
Para Transpo information and cancellations: Monday – Sunday (6am – 12:30 am)

Para Transpo Customer Service text line


Para Transpo customers can now text 57272 (or 5PARA) to connect with OC Transpo Customer Service representatives from 6 am to 12:30 am every day.

Real-time departure schedules


Text 560560, then your 4-digit bus stop number or the first few letters of any Transitway Station name. Your mobile service provider may charge a fee.


Look for the 4 digit stop number on the bus stop sign to hear the next 2 or 3 departure times for your route.

Special Constables Unit

For reporting non-emergency safety and security incidents:




Call 9-1-1 for urgent help with any emergency medical, safety or security incident aboard OC Transpo vehicles or on OC Transpo property.

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I need info on

  • Per-ride fares
  • Presto
  • Daily and monthly passes
  • O-Payment
  • Transfer windows
Using Presto
  • Buying a card
  • Loading a card
  • Using a card
  • Setting up a discount
Using the Travel Planner Get customized transit information in seconds by using route number, stop number or your origin and destination
Mobile apps
  • Transit App
  • Ottawa Transit
  • BusBuddy Ottawa
  • City Transit
Route schedules If you know your route number, select your route to view the complete daily schedule
  • How it works: Tap your credit card or mobile wallet
  • Track your fare payments
  • Register and sign in
  • Detours, cancellations, disruptions, and important service notifications
  • My Alerts: Notifications for specific routes sent to your phone or email address
Registering for Para Transpo
  • Eligibility
  • Submitting an application
Booking Para Transpo
  • Sign in to My Para Transpo
  • My Para Transpo user guide
  • Booking, cancelling and tracking trips
How to ride Helpful tips on navigating and getting the most out of Ottawa's transit system
Real-time departure info Text a four-digit stop number to 560560, or call 613-560-1000 for real-time departure and schedule information. Standard rates apply
Station layouts Select an O-Train or transit station for layout, connecting routes, and parking information
Service changes
  • Service improvements
  • Ongoing construction
  • Seasonal adjustments
  • School services

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need a Presto card to ride?

No, customers can tap on with their credit card (Visa, Mastercard) or mobile wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay), pay exact fare in cash on buses, or purchase a ticket from a ticket machine (with cash, credit or debit) to ride the O-Train. A complete list of fares can be found here.

Where can I buy a Presto card?

How do I load my Presto card?

More information on Presto cards.

Where can I find ticket machines?

All O-Train stations, the airport, Algonquin College and some Transitway stations have ticket machines. When entering an O-Train station, ticket machines are located near the fare gates and outside of the fare-paid zone. More information on how to use a ticket machine and their locations.

Can I use my Presto card on an STO bus?

Yes, as long as you have a monthly pass loaded, or are transferring from an OC Transpo bus to an STO bus.

On your return trip, if you are using funds on your Presto card and your transfer is no longer valid, you will either need to pay cash or use an STO Multi Card on the STO bus.

What is O-Payment?

All fare readers on buses and fare gates at O-Train Line 1 stations now support tap payment by credit card (Visa, Mastercard) and mobile wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay). 

When you tap your credit card or mobile wallet, the screen on the fare reader or fare gate will turn green and show "Accepted". You will be charged a regular Adult fare. Tap using the same credit card or mobile wallet to transfer between trips on buses and the O-Train. You won’t be charged again as long as you are within the regular transfer window.

You will never be charged more than the price of DayPass over the period of one day. Each month, you will not be charged more than the price of an Adult monthly pass. You can track your trips and charges at

Read more about O-Payment.

Do you have any tips for first-time riders?

Figure out the best route to get to your destination by using our Travel Planner.

More planning tips Right-pointing chevron

Have your fare ready. Take extra care if you are travelling with small children or riding at night.

More waiting tips Right-pointing chevron

Don't crowd, wait until the vehicle comes to a full stop, and let passengers exit before getting on.

More boarding tips Right-pointing chevron

Give up your seat in the Cooperative Seating area to anyone who needs it. If you're standing, hold tightly onto the grab rails and make your way towards the back of the bus.

More riding tips Right-pointing chevron

Wait until the vehicle comes to a full stop, don’t pry the doors open, and watch your step.

More exiting tips Right-pointing chevron

What is the R1 replacement bus service?

When the O-Train is not running during regular Line 1 hours, R1 bus service may operate. R1 buses serve all Line 1 stations and only make limited stops along the way. If Line 1 is partially closed, R1 service may run only along the closed portion.

Map of full R1 replacement bus service

R1 service stops

Line 1 Station

To Blair

To Tunney’s Pasture

Tunney’s Pasture










Slater & Kent

Albert & Kent


Slater & Bank

Albert & Bank


Mackenzie King Bridge

Mackenzie King Bridge






- -













What are the night routes?

When O-Train Line 1 closes overnight, alternate bus routes provide rapid service between the stations and into neighbourhoods across the city. Night routes operate until regular service resumes the next morning.

Map of Night service routes

All night routes use "N" in their destination name and on the bus stop sign. More information.






  • Trim 2A
  • Place d'Orleans 2C / 4A
  • Blair I
  • Rideau A

N-Place d'Orléans / Trim

  • Rideau B
  • Blair I
  • Place d'Orleans 1B
  • Trim 1A



  • Hospital
  • Hurdman A
  • Rideau A


  • Rideau B
  • Hurdman C
  • Hospital



  • Bayshore A
  • Lincoln Fields 2A / 3B
  • Tunney's Pasture C
  • Rideau B


  • Rideau A
  • Tunney's Pasture B
  • Lincoln Fields 3B
  • Bayshore C



  • Terry Fox 4A
  • Eagleson 2A / 2B
  • Bayshore A
  • Lincoln Fields 3B
  • Tunney's Pasture C
  • Pimisi D
  • Lyon B
  • Parliament A
  • Rideau B

N-Terry Fox

  • Rideau A
  • Parliament B
  • Lyon A
  • Pimisi C
  • Tunney's Pasture B
  • Lincoln Fields 3B
  • Bayshore B
  • Terry Fox 3C



  • Barrhaven Centre 2A
  • Fallowfield 2A
  • Baseline 2B
  • Lincoln Fields 3B
  • Westboro B
  • Tunney's Pasture C
  • Lyon B
  • Rideau B


  • Rideau A
  • Lyon A
  • Tunney's Pasture C
  • Westboro A
  • Lincoln Fields 3B
  • Baseline 1D
  • Fallowfield 1A
  • Barrhaven Centre 1A



  • Airport
  • Greenboro A
  • Billings Bridge 2A
  • Hurdman A
  • Rideau A


  • Rideau B
  • Hurdman A
  • Billings Bridge 1A
  • Greenboro B
  • Airport

Is OC Transpo accessible?

Yes, OC Transpo buses and O-Trains are accessible. Their low floors allow for easy boarding. We have allocated spaces in each vehicle for customers using assistive or mobility devices.

Are children required to pay a fare?

No, children 10 years and under ride at no charge on OC Transpo. You can get a Child card at the OC Transpo Customer Service Centre in the Rideau Centre.

If you’re taking a bus or Para Transpo, simply board without paying a fare. If you’re taking O-Train Line 1, you can:

  • Enter at the accessible (wide) fare gate with a fare-paying adult like a parent or guardian.
  • Tap through the fare gate with your Child card or school board issued Presto card, if you have one.

More information on Child, Pre-teen and Youth fares.

What is a Community Pass discount?

A Community Pass discount is offered to the Primary Beneficiary who receive benefits directly from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). More information on the Community Pass.

What is an EquiPass?

The EquiPass program offers transit fares for eligible people on a low income. You can purchase a monthly pass or pay-as-you-go for 50% off the cost of adult fares. See if you qualify for an EquiPass.

Can I get a refund for a monthly pass?

No, monthly passes are not refundable.

If you have a specific reason, such as medical, as to why your pass cannot be used for a particular month on both OC Transpo and Para Transpo, please call OC Transpo Customer Service at 613-560-5000 to discuss with an agent. Proof will be required, such as a medical note stating that you could not take transit during the full month.

Can I get a refund for my Presto card/e-Purse funds?

Yes, you can request a refund if your card is registered. There will be a 4% administration fee on the funds and your card must be surrendered. The $4 initial cost of the card is non-refundable.

If you have $50 or less in funds on your card, you can request a refund (less the administration fee) at an OC Transpo Customer Service Centre. If you have over $50 in funds on your card, please mail your card with a refund request form to Presto directly.

What happens if my Presto card is lost, stolen, or damaged?

If your card is registered, you can transfer your balance to a new card if it gets lost or stolen.

  1. Go to and report your card lost or stolen (it can take up to 24 hours to be blocked on the readers – you are responsible for charges during this period).
  2. Purchase a new card at an in-person location (do not load a monthly pass).
  3. Go back online to start the transfer to your new card.

You also can order a new card online at, although it will take 7 to 10 business days to arrive. The new card will cost $4 and will require a minimum load of $0.05 to $5.00.

If your registered Presto card is damaged or defective, bring it to the OC Transpo Customer Service Centre in the Rideau Centre. We will check the card, confirm that it is registered and that you are the registered owner. We will confirm that it is no longer functioning and give you a replacement card at no charge.

Can I sell my Presto card to another customer?

You cannot sell your Presto card if:

  • It is registered in your name (registration can’t be changed).
  • It has a discount set on it.
  • If it was issued by a school board.

If you try to sell a card that is not legally allowed to be transferred to another customer, you face a fine of up to $600.

Is it safe to buy a second-hand Presto card?

No, if you see a Presto card being sold online through a third party or by another customer, it is not a guaranteed safe purchase: you are likely being scammed, or you are buying a stolen or illegally transferred card.

Is Park & Ride free?

Yes, we offer over 9,000 free spaces at Park & Ride lots across Ottawa and nearby rural areas. The following Park & Ride lots require a paid monthly Permit:

  • Baseline (before 11 am on weekdays)
  • Blair (Telesat) – there are a few free spaces that fill up quickly
  • Jeanne d’Arc
  • Ray Friel

See details on park & ride locations and purchasing a permit.

Do the stations have Wi-Fi? Do the tunnels have cell phone reception?

Yes, unlimited Wi-Fi provided by TELUS is available at:

  • Tunney’s Pasture
  • Pimisi
  • Lyon
  • Parliament
  • Rideau
  • uOttawa
  • Tremblay
  • Blair

For customers using TELUS, TELUS subsidiary brands, or other participating carriers, cellular coverage is available in underground stations and tunnels. More information.

Where can I find a public washroom?

There are public washrooms located in Bayview, Blair, Hurdman, Limebank and Tunney's Pasture stations. There is also a washroom in the airport terminal connected to Airport Station.

Where are the Happy Goat cafes?

You will find a Happy Goat Café at Blair and Tunney's Pasture stations. More information on Happy Goat Cafes.

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