Nov. 18: Winter Readiness: Bus and O-Train Preparations and Procedures

Date: October 23, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with information on OC Transpo’s winter readiness preparations to ensure safe, reliable, and responsive bus and O-Train service throughout the winter and during severe weather events.
Bus service winter readiness activities
Keeping our customers and buses safely moving throughout the winter is our utmost priority, which is why proactive measures are taken to ensure reliable and responsive bus service during winter weather events. When significant winter weather is forecast, many articulated buses will be replaced by 40-foot buses, if available, as they typically perform better in poorer road conditions. On weekdays when 31 cm or more of snow is forecast, or when other severe winter weather conditions are expected, a Severe Storm Schedule for buses will be implemented.
O-Train Line 1 winter readiness activities
Based on lessons learned and successes from previous winters, OC Transpo has developed a number of procedures for preparing our light rail system for severe winter weather. Key procedures will continue to be implemented this winter, including:
- Proactive communication, planning and coordination with Rideau Transit Maintenance (RTM) throughout the winter season
- Enhanced weather monitoring and forecasting to provide additional lead time for teams to implement operational plans based on weather conditions
- During weather events, additional staff are deployed to monitor in-service conditions and remote monitoring for electrical anomalies
- Application of anti-icing solution to the overhead catenary wires between Hurdman and uOttawa stations
- Deploying resources for snow clearing and removal along the guideway and at stations
- Proactive checks on vehicles and switch heaters in advance of the winter season
- Availability of a diesel-powered tow vehicle used by RTM
- Installation of winter carbon strips on some trains to clear ice from the overhead catenary system during weather events
- Monitoring of key areas along Line 1 for ice buildup during freezing rain events
- Monitoring of train diagnostics and system power for indications that service adjustments may be required to avoid a full disruption to Line 1 or damage to tracks and vehicles
When the forecast calls for severe winter weather, service adjustments to Line 1 will be considered. This may include running trains overnight to keep the tracks clear or the suspension of service in specific segments or all of Line 1. These actions are to ensure the safety of staff and customers, the protection of track infrastructure and vehicles, and to manage the risk of unplanned impacts to service. This procedure will follow a similar process as the Severe Storm Schedule for buses and will only be implemented in the event of the most severe weather conditions.
O-Train Lines 2 & 4 winter readiness activities
OC Transpo has gained experience operating O-Train Lines 2 and 4 in different types of whether since the testing began in January 2022. As part of final preparations for the opening of the system to the public, winter readiness activities are underway. Some key steps include:
- Proactive communication, planning and coordination with TransitNEXT throughout the winter season
- Resources for snow clearing for the guideway and at Albion Yard.
- Resources for snow removal at stations
- Pre-winter checks on vehicles and switch heaters
- Acquisition of winter maintenance vehicles, including additional snow blowers and de-icers
Similar to Line 1, when the forecast calls for severe winter weather, service adjustments to Lines 2 and 4 will be considered.
Resources are available on and on social media to help familiarize customers with our winter operations and service levels during severe winter storms. Additional information for customers during weather events will be shared on all communications channels, including frequent service alerts, updates to, social media and public service announcements.
OC Transpo is committed to continuous improvement and will continue to review and implement changes to operational procedures based on lessons learned and best practices.
If you have any questions, please contact Troy Charter, Director, Service Delivery and Rail Operations, at 613-580-2424 ext. 52160.
Original signed by
Renée Amilcar
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations