August 16, 2024: Partial closure of O-Train Line 1 for Stage 2 works

Date: August 16, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
Chair and Members of the Transit Commission
From: Pat Scrimgeour, Acting General Manager Transit Services Department
The purpose of this memo is to advise the Mayor and Members of Council of upcoming work on the Stage 2 O-Train East Extension project that will require part of Line 1 to close between St- Laurent and Blair stations on Sunday, August 25. Full Line 1 service will resume on Monday, August 26.
On that day, the Stage 2 contractor, East-West Connectors, will connect the existing train control systems to the new extension, east of Blair Station. While this work is underway, service will not be able to operate on the section of the line between Blair and St-Laurent.
This work is an important step in the ongoing construction and commissioning of the Stage 2 East Extension. There will be more work required to integrate the east extension with the existing line as the project continues, and we will keep you up to date on any service implications.
For customers this means that on Sunday, August 25:
- Line 1 will operate in both directions between Tunney’s Pasture and St-Laurent stations
- R1 replacement bus service will run between St-Laurent and Blair stations every 10 minutes
- Shuttle bus service will run between St-Laurent and Cyrville stations every 15 minutes
To support customers, staff will be at key locations. Information, reminders, and updates will be communicated through several channels, including, customer alerts, public service announcements, social media updates and signage at stations. Customers can also use the Travel Planner and Transit App for-trip planning assistance or call OC Transpo Customer Service at 613- 560-5000.
OC Transpo appreciates customers’ patience as we work to deliver the Stage 2 O-Train East Extension.
For any additional information, please contact Troy Charter, Director, Transit Service Delivery and Rail Operations, at 52160.
Original signed by Pat Scrimgeour
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations