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Bike & ride!

Bikesecure logo.

Bikesecure provides customers with a reserved parking spot in a shelter that protects their bikes against theft, vandalism and bad weather. These shelters are secured with glass walls, a door, and 24‑hour video surveillance. Customers can unlock the shelter to access their bikes 24/7 using the key fob they receive after registering.

Bikesecure shelters

We offer 52 Bikesecure parking spaces at four stations across Ottawa.

Bikesecure shelter at St-Laurent Station.


Fallowfield Station offers:

  • 12 Bikesecure parking spaces
  • Free bike parking
  • Bike repair station

Related info:

Fallowfield Station map and connecting routes

Schedules for Fallowfield Station


Greenboro Station offers:

  • 12 Bikesecure parking spaces
  • Free bike parking
  • Bike repair station

Related info:

Greenboro Station map and connecting routes

Schedules for Greenboro Station


Strandherd Station offers:

  • 12 Bikesecure parking spaces
  • Free bike parking
  • Bike repair station

Related info:

Strandherd Station map and connecting routes

Schedules for Strandherd Station


St-Laurent Station offers:

  • 16 Bikesecure parking spaces
  • Free bike parking
  • Bike repair station

Related info:

St-Laurent Station map and connecting routes

Schedules for St-Laurent Station

How to register

You must be 18 years or older to register for Bikesecure.

  1. Call 613-842-3777 or email and provide the make, model, colour, and serial number (if applicable) of your bike(s). You can register up to three bikes for your parking spot, but only one bike can be parked in your spot at a time.
  2. Set up your method of payment over the phone (debit-Visa, debit-Mastercard, or credit card). You will be charged a one-time fee of $6.00 for the key fob that unlocks the shelter, and a monthly fee of $10.00 for your parking spot.

Once you've registered, you'll receive a welcome package in the mail which includes:

  • One key fob
  • Three bike tags
  • Instructions for using Bikesecure shelters
  • A map showing the location of your shelter
  • The terms and conditions of your registration

Make sure to register before the 20th of the month if you want to start using Bikesecure on the 1st of the next month. This allows time for your welcome package to arrive in the mail.

How to use Bikesecure

A diagram showing where to place Bikesecure tags onto a bike.

  1. Place one of your three bike tags on your bike. The tag can be placed anywhere on your bike, as long as it's visible and is safely out of the way of gears and wheels.

A diagram showing how to unlock a Bikesecure shelter using a key fob.

  1. Unlock the Bikesecure shelter by placing your key fob near the door reader.

A diagram showing how to securely lock a bike inside a Bikesecure shelter.

  1. Lock your bike to your assigned ring-and-post bike rack inside the Bikesecure shelter. Bikes are protected inside Bikesecure shelters with 24‑hour video surveillance.

Frequently asked questions

Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Bikesecure program. If you don't see your question, download the PDF of all FAQs below.

1. Can I suspend my Bikesecure pass for a month if I’m not biking?

No, unfortunately, we cannot suspend your permit. When you are ready to bike again, call us to see if a space is available or to be added to the waiting list.

2. What if I want to cancel?

You must call us at 613-842-3777 before to the 18th of the month to ensure there is enough time to cancel your monthly payment. After the 18th, we will only be able to cancel for the following month. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received on or after the 18th of each month.

3. What if my bike is stolen or damaged while in the shelter?

Please contact OC Transpo Special Constable Unit at 613-741-2478 to file a report. If your bike is damaged or stolen, please be aware that you would have to make a claim through your own home insurance, as you would if your bike were damaged or stolen at any other location.

OC Transpo will not be responsible for any damage or theft.

4. What if I lose my fob, or it stops working?

If your fob is lost before it reaches you, call us at 613-842-3777.

If you lose your fob after you receive it, you will need to purchase a replacement.

If your fob stops working, you will need to return it to OC Transpo for inspection. If it does not show signs of damage or wear, we will replace it at no cost. If the fob was damaged, you will need to pay for a replacement.

Full Bikesecure FAQ

For more information about Bikesecure, call 613‑842‑3777.