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Bikes on our network

Image - Bikes on our network

Ottawa has a vast network of multi-use pathways for cycling, running, and walking. Most stations connect directly to a pathway. Other stations are located within a short walk of a path or trail. Signs and maps at each station direct you to nearby paths.

Gas-powered bikes are not allowed on OC Transpo vehicles.

Bikes on buses

Short, comfortable and convenient cycling routes connect you to many stations and Park & Ride lots across Ottawa – including stations along O-Train lines.

Bicycles are not permitted on board On-Demand minibuses for safety reasons and because there is limited space within the vehicle.

Rack & Roll program

Rack & Roll logo

Good news for all-season cyclists — the Rack & Roll winter pilot is happening again this winter! The Rack & Roll program combines biking and transit with ease – through the spring, summer, fall and now winter! All OC Transpo buses will be equipped with a bike rack so riders can continue to Rack & Roll.

Reminder: Bicycle racks do not accommodate fat tire bikes, only tire widths of up to 2.3 inches. Bicycle racks can hold bikes weighing up to 55lbs.

Bikes are also welcome on the O-Train all year round.

How to use a bike rack

Loading your bike

Before the bus arrives, get your bike ready for loading and remove any loose items. Indicate to the operator that you will be loading your bike.

A man lowers bike rack on front of a bus

  1. If the rack is closed, hold onto your bike with one hand and with your other hand, squeeze handle up to release latch, then lower rack.

A man places his bike on the rack on the front of a bus

  1. Lift your bike onto the rack and place the wheels in the wheel wells. Bicycle racks do not accommodate fat tire bikes, only tire widths of up to 2.3 inches.

A man secures his bike onto a rack

  1. Raise the support arm over your tires as high as it will go, but not over the frame or fender.

You are responsible to secure your bike properly. For safety reasons, operators cannot leave the bus to assist you.

Unloading your bike

Before you reach your stop, tell the operator you will be unloading your bike, then exit by the front door.

  1. Raise the support arm off the tire.
  2. Lift your bike from the rack.
  3. If the rack is empty, fold up the rack until it locks in place before you step away from the bus.
  4. Step away from the bus and signal to the operator that you are clear of the bus.

Tips & helpful links

  • For your safety, load and unload your bike from the front, or from the curb side of the bus.
  • Load and unload your bike as quickly as possible.
  • If someone wants to remove their bike, let them go first before you load your bike.
  • Only non-motorized, two-wheeled bikes are allowed.
  • OC Transpo personnel may refuse access to cyclists due to unsafe conditions. OC Transpo is not responsible for damages incurred or caused by or to bicycles, or for lost or stolen bicycles.
Helpful Links

Folding bikes

Follow the guidance of your operator. They know how to best support the safe movement of the passengers in the bus.

  1. Completely fold your bike before boarding
  2. Place your bike in one of the spaces for persons with mobility devices. These are the fold-up or flip-down seats at the front of the bus. Look for the Cooperative Seating logo.
    Assistive mobility device spaces on a bus
    If these seats are full, place your folded bike in the aisle. Make sure your bike doesn’t prevent other customers from safely moving through the bus.
  3. Be prepared to move if someone needs the space. Cooperative seating gives priority to customers who have a hard time standing in a moving vehicle or those who need to sit close to the entrance.

Bikes on the O-Train

You can bring your bicycle on board O-Train lines all year round.

When boarding, go to the bicycle boarding zone located at the first car of the train. Bicycle boarding zones are marked on the platform with a green floor decal.

Customer boarding the O-Train with her bicycle.

Once on the train, ride with your bike in the Cooperative Seating area.

Hold onto your bike or use the kickstand to prevent it from falling over during your trip.

Customer holding her bicycle as she rides in the Cooperative Seating area of the O-Train.

Bikes at stations

Many O-Train and transit stations have nearby cycling connections. Within the O-Train stations, follow the multi-use pathway symbol to reach the trails.

Stations are designed to make walking your bike from the entrance to the bus or train platform easier:

  • Sheltered bicycle parking nearby the station entrance
  • Wider fare gates at the end of each row
  • Runnels to walk your bike up and down the stairs
  • Elevators with enough space for bicycles and mobility devices

Man placing his bicycle in a runnel to go down the staircase.


Bikesecure is a paid service that provides customers with a reserved parking spot in a shelter that protects their bikes against theft, vandalism and bad weather. These shelters are secured with glass walls, a door, and 24‑hour video surveillance.

Bikesecure parking spots are available at four OC Transpo stations:

  • Fallowfield
  • Greenboro
  • Strandherd
  • St-Laurent

Bicycle repair stations

Minor bike repairs, such as pumping air into your tires, can be performed at bicycle repair stations. Bike repair stations are located within sheltered parking spots to protect you and your bike against the elements.

Bicycle repair stations are available at some OC Transpo stations:

  • Baseline
  • Bayshore
  • Dominion
  • Eagleson
  • Fallowfield
  • Greenboro
  • Place d’Orléans
  • St-Laurent
  • Strandherd
  • Westboro

OC Transpo worked with Safer Roads Ottawa to find the best locations for bike repair stations.

Bicycle Repair Station next to a bike shelter.

Bike repair stations across Ottawa

E-scooters on transit

O-Train lines

You can bring your e-scooter on board O-Train lines. When boarding, go to the bicycle boarding zone located at the first car of the train. Be sure to walk your e-scooter when inside the station and never ride it.

Once on the train, hold on to your e-scooter to prevent it from falling over during your trip.


E-scooters may be brought on board buses if:

  • They are small, personal e-scooters
  • They do not impact passenger safety or movement

Shared e-scooters offered for rent (Bird, Neuron Mobility) may not be brought on board.

E-scooters are not permitted in Rack & Roll racks.