Riding at night
Security features
Safe stop
After 7 pm, you can ask the driver to drop you off at a safe spot along the route closer to your destination.
Read more about the Safe Stop program
Night stop
After 9 pm, all routes at the following Transitway stations serve one stop - the night stop.
- Baseline
- Billings Bridge
- Blair
- Hurdman
- Lincoln Fields
- Place d’Orléans
- St-Laurent
- Terry Fox
- South Keys
- Terry Fox
- Tunney's Pasture

The night stop is well lit and centrally located, close to emergency call boxes and pay phones.
Read more about the TRANSECURE Night Stops
Special Constables

You may see them walking about stations and riding buses and trains. They enforce the law and protect customers and employees on all transit vehicles and property.
Call 613-741-2478 to contact the Special Constables Unit.
Taxi link
Have a taxi meet you at a designated pick-up location at most stations. Simply give the name of the station and your expected arrival time. You can also book your taxi on-line or download their apps— see the taxi company website for more info.
Pick-up EAST of Lincoln Fields
Blue Line Taxi ... 613-238-1111
Capital Taxi ... 613-744-3333
Pick-up WEST in Nepean or Kanata
Capital Taxi ... 613-744-3333
West-Way Taxi ... 613-727-0101
If you don’t have access to a phone, your driver may be able to arrange for a taxi for you—although we can’t guarantee service, we’ll try our best.
Travel tips & tricks
Figure out where you’re going
Work out the safest path to your destination (least amount of walking, sticking to busier streets).
Keep to well-lit public areas
Avoid shortcuts through secluded areas, dark alleyways and dimly lit paths.
If you’re distressed or threatened, hail any transit vehicle or employee
Our staff is trained to deal with many situations. We can help out on the spot by offering our vehicles as a safe haven for anyone in distress and by contacting our Control Centre via two-way radio.
Check in with someone
Let someone know where you’re going and how you’re getting there.
Avoid distractions
Make sure distractions such as texting or loud music don’t prevent you from being aware of your surroundings.
Trust your instincts
Move away from anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.
Stay awake
Don’t let your guard down just because you’ve boarded the vehicle. Keep an eye and ear out for your stop.
Keep your valuables out of sight and at hand
Expensive looking jewellery, electronics and money can catch the eye of thieves. Hold onto your purse and put your wallet in your front pockets.
Know where you can go if you’re in trouble
- Call boxes and pay phones at Transitway stations
- Hail any OC Transpo vehicle or employee
- Tell a Special Constable
- On the bus or train, use the Passenger Assistance Alarm
- Talk to the Operator