Travel Aids
OC Transpo offers several travel aids and tools to assist customers with disabilities.
Bus Hailing Kits
A bus hailing kit is a pocket-sized set of numbered cards that you can use to identify the route you want to board, to approaching bus operators. Large-text and Braille numbers are printed on the cards. The numbers should be held up at shoulder height.
Bus Hailing Kits are available free of charge, from either:
- CNIB Ottawa:
- OC Transpo Accessibility Specialists
Destination Cards
Use a Destination Card to identify the bus stop where you want to get off. Hand the card to the bus operator when you board - the operator will let you know when you arrive at your stop.
Destination cards are available free of charge, from either:
- OC Transpo Customer Service Centres
- OC Transpo Accessibility Specialists
Medical Emergency Card
The Medical Emergency Card contains valuable information about you - such as your name, address, emergency contact, and medical condition - in the event you are unable to communicate in an emergency. It is usually carried with a bus pass.
Medical Emergency Cards are available free of charge, from either:
- OC Transpo Customer Service Centres
- OC Transpo Accessibility Specialists