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Gatineau Park

Plan My Trip to Gatineau Park

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NCC shuttle bus

Gatineau Park is the largest green space in the National Capital Region, occupying an area of more than 361 square kilometres. It is the second-most visited park in Canada, and a destination for outdoor enthusiasts to engage in recreational activities that respect the environment.

Gatineau Park
Gatineau, QC
Gatineau Park Website

Free shuttle

Exploring Gatineau Park’s popular destinations without a car has never been easier! Every weekend until October, hop on the NCC free shuttle at Pīndigen Park, located near Pimisi station.

From downtown Ottawa to Chelsea and back

The free shuttle stops at many points of interest along the way, including Pink Lake, Mackenzie-King Estate and Champlain Lookout.

Plan your visit at

NCC shuttle with boarding ramp extended
Riders board the NCC shuttle
NCC shuttle departs from the Champlain lookout