Welcome aboard Lines 2 & 4

Updated on March 25, 2025

started on March 16

Lines 2 & 4 extend the O-Train south, linking Bayview to Limebank and Airport stations.
The lines connect Little Italy to Riverside South, with frequent departures to Carleton University and the Ottawa International Airport.

Get ready
For the Lines Line 2 icon and Line 4 icon
Seven days/week

Since the launch of weekday service on January 6 and the six-day service on January 25, O-Train Lines 2 & 4 have demonstrated safe and consistent performance.

Service officially expanded to seven days a week on March 16

B2, the parallel bus for Line 2, will continue running until March 29 to allow customers to gradually transition to the new train lines while still having the options to take the bus.

Two passengers sitting aboard the FLRT train, smiling at each other.
7-Day service starts March 16

Lines 2 4
Phased opening

Lessons learned and insights from the Public Inquiry report have shaped the phased opening of Lines 2and 4. Organized into three phases, this approach helps customers get familiar with the service while supporting staff training.

The second phase, a six-days-a-week service, has been in place since January 25.

As of March 16, service has expanded to a full seven-day schedule, now including Sundays.

Phase 1

5-day service

Launched - Jan 6

Phase 2

6-day service

Launched - Jan 25

Phase 3

7-day service

Launched - Mar 16

Why a phased opening?

A phased opening allows staff to monitor the system closely, identify potential issues, and address them before expanding the service. This approach ensures system safety and reliability. It also ensures an optimal customer experience. 

Bus network changes coming April 2025

The New Ways to Bus network will come into effect in April 27, opening up new convenient connections across the city.

What you need to know :