Line 1 service updates
Memos to the Mayor and Members of Council
August 17: O-Train Line 1 – Required Track Adjustments
The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that during enhanced track inspections put in place since O-Train Line 1 service resumed on Monday, August 14, contact was observed between a restraining rail and the wheels of a light rail vehicle between Hurdman Station and the Rideau River Bridge. Out of an abundance of caution O-Train Line 1 is now running on one track between Hurdman and Lees Station to make further track adjustments in this area.
As previously advised, the Safety Note from Rideau Transit Group (RTG) and Alstom requires that there can be no contact between the restraining rail and wheels as part of the safe return to service plan. To accommodate further track assessment and make the necessary adjustments, trains are not operating on the section of westbound track between Hurdman and uOttawa stations. No contact has been observed elsewhere on the line, and therefore it is safe to continue rail operations on the remainder of the system.
As a result, Line 1 service continues to operate between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations approximately every 15-minutes, and customers should expect delays as trains travel through the section of single track between uOttawa and Hurdman stations. To supplement rail service during the afternoon peak period, the following service is being implemented:
- Shuttle Express will be enhanced from operating every 10 minutes to every five minutes from 3 to 6 pm between downtown and the terminus stations at Tunney’s Pasture Station and Blair Station.
- Customers travelling to an intermediate station, including Bayview, Pimisi, Lyon, Parliament, Rideau, uOttawa, Lees, Hurdman, Tremblay, St. Laurent, and Cyrville should use Line 1 to go to their destination.
- Para Transpo will take same day requests for trips between Line 1 stations; customers should call 613-560-5000 to book the service.
- Staff will also be present at stations to support customers during their trips.
OC Transpo continues to monitor service and will make adjustments to respond to customer volumes if required.
RTG will be making adjustments to the restraining rail overnight in order to restore service in the affected section of the line. It is currently anticipated that Line 1 will resume normal operations on Friday, August 18, but further investigation and testing will be required before the service plan for Friday is confirmed. Additional updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
OC Transpo, RTG and Alstom continues to closely monitor and inspect the track and trains to ensure the ongoing safe operations for our customers and employees.
Customer information is being communicated through various channels, including customer alerts, social media updates, signage at Line 1 stations, and on Customers can visit and use OC Transpo’s travel planner for travel planning assistance or call 613-560-5000.
Original signed by,
Michael Morgan
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 14: O-Train Line 1 – Final Service Resumption Update
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with a final update on the resumption of O-Train Line 1 service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations.
Line 1 service across the full alignment successfully launched this morning at 5am. During the morning and afternoon peak periods, service is running every four to five minutes. Service is operating every six minutes the rest of the day and on weekends.
With full and accessible Line 1 service now in operation, R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para service will end at the end of service today and will not be in operation as of Tuesday, August 15.
OC Transpo has listened to and heard the positive feedback from customers on R1 Express bus service and is responding. Beginning on Tuesday, August 15, a new service called Shuttle Express will be introduced. The Shuttle Express will operate in the morning peak period from Blair Station to downtown and from Tunney’s Pasture to downtown. In the afternoon peak period, the shuttle will run from downtown to Blair and Tunney’s Pasture. This service will be in addition to Line 1 service and will offer our customers an additional travel option during the busiest commuting times.
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 9am
- Blair Station to downtown with service on Mackenzie King Bridge and on Albert Street
- Tunney’s Pasture to downtown with service on Slater Street and Mackenzie King Bridge
- Monday to Friday from 3 to 6pm
- Downtown with service on Slater Street and Mackenzie King Bridge to Blair Station
- Downtown with service on Mackenzie King Bridge and on Albert Street to Tunney’s Pasture Station
In addition, when OC Transpo’s Fall Service Change goes into effect on August 27, it is expected that 13 single-car trains will operate every four minutes during peak periods. The remainder of the day and on weekends, 11 single-car trains will run every five minutes. This frequency of rail service, supplemented by Shuttle Express, will accommodate anticipated customer volumes.
The Transit Commission is the channel for OC Transpo to provide operational and technical updates. OC Transpo will be bringing a full report on the axle bearing root cause analysis to the Transit Commission meeting on October 12. This report will be published in early October and will include technical reports including research results from the National Research Council and Transportation Safety Board. At this meeting, we will also provide an update on issues related to freezing rain and lightning strikes.
Customer information is being communicated through various channels, including a public service announcement, customer alerts, social media updates, signage at Line 1 stations, and on Customers can visit for travel planning assistance, call 613-560-5000, or use the Transit App. Schedules are available by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the bus stop number.
There will be a media availability at 2:30pm today.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 13: Resumption of O-Train Line 1 service
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to confirm for the Mayor and Members of Council that O-Train Line 1 service between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture stations will safely resume on Monday, August 14, at 5 am.
Safe Resumption of Service
Trial running has been carried out to ensure that all train systems are functioning, and preparatory activities have been done to ensure that all stations are ready to welcome customers.
On Monday, August 14, customers can expect the following service:
- Line 1 will operate between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations
- During the morning peak period, 11 single-car trains will provide service every five minutes
- During the afternoon peak period, 13 single-car trains will provide service every four minutes
- During the rest of the day and on weekends, nine single-car trains will provide service every 6 minutes
- This level of service will meet customer volumes throughout the day
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para service will operate for the entire day. Shuttles will continue to run to Lees Station every 30 minutes and to Cyrville Station every 15 minutes. Tomorrow, we will provide additional information about R1 service going forward.
Information on the safe, gradual restart of service is being shared with customers on all platforms and on Staff will also be at stations to support customers during their trips. Attached are additional communication materials to assist Councillors in sharing information with their communities.
Ongoing Track and Vehicle Work
As previously mentioned, Rideau Transit Group (RTG) completed repositioning of the restraining rails at 16 locations to fulfil the last requirement of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom. Testing was successfully conducted over the weekend to confirm the work and the system’s readiness to safely welcome customers.
OC Transpo, together with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA), have conducted a final review of RTG’s documentation to confirm that the requirements for the restart of full Line 1 service have been met. These documents have been provided to the Interim City Manager, with a recommendation to resume service. The City Manager is satisfied that the regulatory regime is in compliance, and has agreed with the recommendation to resume service on August 14, at 5am.
In parallel to the track infrastructure work, RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 28 trains. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to go into service.
We will continue to provide updates to Council as they become available. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at extension 52111.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 11: Line 1 Service Update
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the gradual safe return to service.
Current Service
Line 1 service is operating every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. The Transit Operations Control Centre is monitoring rail service and will adjust as required. Outreach staff are at stations supporting customers during their trips, and updates continue to be shared on all of OC Transpo’s customer information channels.
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para services continue to operate. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Ongoing Investigation
Rideau Transit Group (RTG) has now completed adjustments to all 16 restraining rails as part of the last requirement of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom. Trial running of trains through the east end of the rail line is beginning today and will continue throughout the weekend to verify that all requirements have been met, that the system is safe, and operations can resume on the entire line. OC Transpo will also undertake start-up activities to ensure the stations and systems are ready to welcome customers.
At this time, OC Transpo continues to anticipate rail service between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture stations will resume on Monday, August 14, 2023. During the morning peak period, 11 single-car trains will provide service every five minutes. During the afternoon peak period, 13 single-car trains will provide service every four minutes. During the rest of the day and on weekends, nine single-car trains will provide service every six minutes
Over the weekend, OC Transpo, together with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA), will conduct a final review of RTG’s documentation to confirm that the requirements for the restart of Line 1 service across the full alignment have been met.
RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 26 trains. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to go into service.
There will be a media availability today at 4pm. We will continue to share updates as they become available
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 10: Line 1 Service Update
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the gradual safe return to service
R1 Service
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para services continue to operate. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Safe return to service.
Line 1 service is currently operating every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. The Transit Operations Control Centre is monitoring service closely and will make adjustments, as required. Staff are at stations supporting customers during their trips, and updates continue to be shared on all of OC Transpo’s customer information channels.
OC Transpo continues to anticipate that Line 1 service will resume on Monday, August 14. Further updates will be provided as they become available.
Ongoing Investigation
Rideau Transit Group (RTG) continues to make progress adjusting the restraining rails to ensure there is no contact with the wheels of the train. To date, 14 of the 16 locations have been repositioned. This is the only remaining requirement of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom to be fulfilled before service can be safely restored across the entire Line 1 corridor.
RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 25 trains. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to go into service.
There will be no media availability today. We will continue to share updates as they become available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 9: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para services continue to operate. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Safe return to service
Yesterday, partial Line 1 service between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations began. Rail service is running well, with single-car trains operating every five minutes to meet current customer volumes. The Transit Operations Control Centre is monitoring service closely and can launch an additional train if required to accommodate customers. Staff are at stations supporting customers during their trips, and updates continue to be shared on all of OC Transpo’s customer information channels.
OC Transpo continues to anticipate that full Line 1 service will resume on August 14. Further updates will be provided as they become available.
Ongoing Investigation
Rideau Transit Group (RTG) continues to work to adjust the restraining rails to prevent contact between the train wheel and the rail. As previously noted, this is the final requirement of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom that remains to be fulfilled to safely restore service across the entire Line 1 corridor. To date, 12 of the 16 locations have been repositioned.
RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 25 trains. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to go into service.
There will be a special virtual information session today from 2:30 to 4pm to provide an opportunity for Members of Council to ask questions and receive an update. A media availability will follow the session.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
C.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 8: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para services continue to operate. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Safe return to service
Today, Line 1 resumed operation between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. Single-car trains are running every five minutes. An additional train can be launched during peak periods to accommodate higher customer volumes if required. So far, this service is sufficient to meet customer needs. Staff are at stations supporting customers during their trips, and updates continue to be shared on all of OC Transpo’s channels.
OC Transpo anticipates that full Line 1 service will resume on August 14. Service plans continue to be finalized, but it is anticipated that for the rest of August, 11 single-car trains will operate during the morning peak period and 13 single-cars will run in the afternoon peak. For the remainder of the day, nine single-car trains will provide service. This will accommodate current customer demand during the busiest times, without the need for R1 bus service, and allow OC Transpo to sustainably manage fleet availability over the long term.
The service plan for September ridership is still being prepared, and an update will be provided when final.
Ongoing Investigation
As previously noted, adjusting the restraining rails to prevent any contact between the train wheel and the rail is the final requirement of the Safety Note from Rideau Transit Group (RTG) and Alstom that remains to be fulfilled to safely restore service across the entire Line 1 corridor.
Since August 3, RTG completed adjustments to the restraining rails between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. This allowed partial Line 1 service to safely resume today in this section of the line. Work on the remaining restraining rails continues across the rest of the alignment. To date, 10 of 16 locations have been repositioned.
RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 24 trains. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to go into service.
There will be a media availability today at 4pm.
In addition, a virtual councillor information session will be held on Wednesday, August 9 from 2:30 to 4pm to provide an opportunity for Members of Council to ask questions and receive an update. The regular media availability will follow the session.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 7: Gradual Service Resumption
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the safe, gradual resumption of service on O-Train Line 1. Partial service will be restored between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations on Tuesday, August 8.
As previously noted, adjusting the restraining rails to prevent any contact between the train wheel and the rail is a requirement of the Safety Note from Rideau Transit Group (RTG) and Alstom, which must be fulfilled to safely restore service. RTG has been working since Thursday, August 3 to reposition restraining rails across the alignment. The required work between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations is complete, and OC Transpo has conducted trial running in this section to confirm that all train systems are safe and ready for service.
OC Transpo, together with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA), is conducting a final review of RTG’s documentation to confirm that the requirements for partial service have been met. These documents will be provided to the Interim City Manager, who has delegated authority in this matter, with a recommendation to resume service. Based on the information, once the City Manager is satisfied that the regulatory regime is in compliance, and agrees with the recommendation, OC Transpo will proceed with partial service resumption.
As it has been deemed safe, OC Transpo is now able to begin gradually restoring service by providing partial Line 1 service in the west beginning on Tuesday, August 8 at 5am. For customers this means:
- Line 1 service will operate between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations
- Five single-car trains will provide service every five minutes
- R1, R1 Express and Para R1 services will continue to operate with no changes
- An additional train can be launched during peak periods to accommodate high customer volumes
- Customers may notice slower train speeds in the tunnel due to a speed restriction as part of safety requirements during the gradual resumption of service
- Staff will be at stations supporting customers during their trips
RTG also continues the required replacement of the wheel hub assemblies on the train fleet, and replacements are now complete on 22 trains. By operating with single-car trains, OC Transpo can accommodate current customer volumes and manage the fleet availability over the long term.
OC Transpo has completed a number of preparatory activities in the west end of the line to provide a positive customer experience.
These include:
- Trial running between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations to verify train systems
- Cleaning stations
- Reactivating escalators and elevators
- Verifying all announcement systems are working and updating messages
- Placing wayfinding signage for station navigation
- Preparing outreach staff
- Installing new decals to identify single-car boarding locations at the platforms
Information on the safe, gradual restart of service is being shared with customers on all platforms and on Attached are additional communication materials to support Councillors in sharing information with their communities.
Work on the remaining restraining rails continues across the rest of the alignment. To date, nine of 16 locations have been repositioned. OC Transpo anticipates that full Line 1 service will resume on August 14.
There will be a media availability today at 1pm, and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 4: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
R1, R1 Express, and R1 Para services continue to operate, and an update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Ongoing Investigation
Work continues to ensure that all the parameters of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom are implemented to ensure the safe operations of Line 1. The remaining requirement is the repositioning of the restraining rails.
As advised yesterday, adjustments to the restraining rails have begun. RTG is working at the 16 locations that have been identified for adjustments. A few remaining items in the Atkins Global report are being finalized, and the risk assessment is almost complete.
In parallel, RTG also continues to replace the wheel hub assemblies on the light rail vehicles. To date, 19 trains have had their hub assemblies replaced. RTG can replace two hubs every two days. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to operate when it is safe to resume service.
Resumption of Service
As this work proceeds, OC Transpo is also preparing to welcome back customers and we are taking the necessary measures to ensure we are ready. These activities include:
Action |
Status |
Review all stations to ensure they are clean and ready to open |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Re-activate all escalators and elevators at all stations |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Conduct trial running to verify train systems |
Now under way |
Ensure all customer signage at Line 1 stations are in place |
In progress |
Verify that announcement systems are in working order and update messages |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Review and prepare wayfinding signage and materials to assist customers in navigating the stations |
In progress |
Prepare all outreach staff at key stations along Line 1 to support customers |
In progress |
Install new decals at Line 1 stations to identify boarding for single car locations |
Completed |
At this time, OC Transpo continues to anticipate full Line 1 service will safely resume on August 14. OC Transpo is closely following this progress and will continue to provide updates on the timing to gradually restart service.
Work on the restraining rail adjustments and all areas of the resumption of service will continue over the weekend.
There will be a media availability today at 4pm. Over the weekend, we will continue to provide daily updates by email, and we will provide information about the next media availability.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 3: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
- R1, R1 Express and R1 Para service continue to operate, and an update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
- The Transit Operations Control Centre is aware of a potential motorcycle rally in the downtown area on Saturday, August 5th, and is coordinating with other City services. They will monitor for any impacts and adjust service, if required.
Ongoing Investigation
Work continues to ensure that all the parameters of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom are implemented to ensure the safe operations of Line 1. The remaining requirement is the repositioning of the restraining rails.
OC Transpo received the draft Atkins Global restraining rail report yesterday. RTM, Alstom, Atkins, and OC Transpo along with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA) are working together to finalize the report. In the interim, RTG has enough information to begin repositioning some of the restraining rails, and this work began today. The risk assessment is also almost complete.
RTG anticipates completing the repositioning work will take up to 10 days.
Here is the latest update on the remaining action items:
Action |
Start date |
End date |
RTG retained Atkins Global, an engineering expert in the field, to advise where to reposition the restraining rails |
July 31 |
August 4 |
Continue to discuss the risk assessment until it is finalized |
July 29 |
August 4 |
Proceed to reposition the restraining rail |
August 3 |
August 13 |
Conduct trial running |
Parallel process |
August 14 |
At this time, OC Transpo believes that full Line 1 service will be ready to safely resume on August 14. OC Transpo is closely following this progress and will continue to provide updates on the timing to gradually restart service.
Fleet availability
Important progress continues to be made on changing the wheel hub assemblies to increase the availability of the train fleet. To date, 18 light rail vehicles have had their hub assemblies replaced. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to operate, when it is safe to resume service. OC Transpo is proactively preparing service plans based on the projected number of vehicles and is looking at several scenarios for service resumption.
Resumption of Service activities
OC Transpo and RTG are working collaboratively to ensure that the system is ready to welcome customers back. Trial running is being done in parallel to the repositioning of the restraining rails. In addition, we will ensure that all train systems, stations and platforms, signage, and other key aspects are ready. Staff are currently undertaking the following activities:
Action |
Status |
Review all stations to ensure they are clean and ready to open |
Validation during trial running in progress |
Re-activate all escalators and elevators at all stations |
Validation during trial running in progress |
Conduct trial running to verify train systems |
Ensure all customer signage at Line 1 stations are in place |
In progress |
Verify that announcement systems are in working order and update messages |
Validation during trial running in progress |
Review and prepare wayfinding signage and materials to assist customers in navigating the stations |
In progress |
Prepare all outreach staff at key stations along Line 1 to support customers |
In progress |
Install new decals at Line 1 stations to identify boarding for single car locations |
Completed |
Work on the restraining rail adjustments and all areas of the resumption of service will continue over the weekend.
There will be a media availability today at 4 pm and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 2: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
- R1 and R1 Express bus service continues to operate, and an update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
- Based on customers’ feedback we continue to enhance R1 service. Today, R1 Para bus service was implemented to provide additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service.
- R1 Para will service Line 1 stations between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day or speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service. Customers who require additional supports should call 613-560-5000.
- R1 Para service is in addition to our existing Para Transpo service and will not impact current operations.
Ongoing Investigation
Work continues to ensure that all the parameters of the Safety Note from RTG and Alstom for the safe operations of Line 1 are implemented. RTG and Alstom are now working on the remaining requirement which is ensuring there is no contact between the wheel of the light rail vehicle and the restraining rail.
OC Transpo continues to expect the independent risk assessment and the report from Atkins Global to be provided on August 3. This work will outline:
- The risk profile associated with the repositioning of each of the restraining rails
- Which restraining rails should be repositioned
- The amount by which the rails need to be moved to avoid contact with the back wheels of the light rail vehicles.
Here is the latest update on the remaining action items:
Action |
Start date |
End date |
RTG to retain Atkins Global, an engineering expert in the field, to advise where to reposition the restraining rails |
July 31 |
August 3 |
Continue to discuss the risk assessment until final |
July 29 |
August 3 |
Proceed to reposition the restraining rail |
Approximately 10 days of work; can only commence after acceptance of the risk assessment |
August 14 |
Conduct trial running |
In parallel to the repositioning of the restraining rails |
To be confirmed |
Based on the information noted above, OC Transpo continues to estimate that Line 1 service may be able to safely resume as early as August 14. This continues to be an early estimate, based on projected timelines for these action items. As work continues to progress, we will provide an update on the potential timing to gradually restart service.
Fleet availability
Progress continues to be made on changing the wheel hub assemblies to increase the availability of the train fleet. To date, 15 light rail vehicles have had their hub assemblies replaced. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to operate, when it is safe to resume service. Our team is proactively preparing service plans based on the projected number of vehicles that may be available.
There will be a media availability at 4pm and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
August 1: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
- R1 and R1 Express bus service continue to operate, and an update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service for today.
Ongoing Investigation
As described yesterday, the final Safety Note from RTG and Alstom outlines the following parameters of the plan for the safe operations of Line 1:
- Continue with all mitigation measures already in place
- Replace the leading and trailing wheel hub assemblies and axles every 60,000 kilometres
- Implement a new inspection regime for the middle bogies
- Avoid any contact between the wheel and the restraining rail
There continues to be progress made on the risk assessment and the needed work to reposition the rails.
Here is the latest information:
Action |
Start date |
End date |
RTG to retain Atkins Global, an engineering expert in the field, to advise where to reposition the restraining rails |
July 31 |
August 3 |
Continue to discuss the risk assessment until final |
July 29 |
August 3 |
Proceed to reposition the restraining rail |
10 days of work; can only commence after acceptance of the risk assessment |
To be confirmed |
Conduct trial running |
Start date to be confirmed |
To be confirmed |
Based on the information noted above, OC Transpo estimates that Line 1 service may be able to safely resume as early as August 14. This is an early estimate, based on projected timelines for these action items. As work progresses, we will provide an update on the potential timing to gradually restart service.
Fleet availability
Progress continues to be made on changing the wheel hub assemblies to increase the availability of the train fleet. To date, 14 light rail vehicles have had their hub assemblies replaced. The ongoing replacements will increase the number of cars available to operate, when it is safe to resume service.
There will be a media availability at 4pm and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 31: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
- R1 bus service continues to operate, and an update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service.
- R1 Express service was successfully launched this morning from Blair to downtown. This service operates in addition to the R1 bus service and normal bus routes. The Express serviceis operating in the opposite direction from downtown to Blair beginning at 3pm this afternoon and provides customers with additional travel options at the busiest times of the day. OC Transpo continues to monitor the service and will make adjustments, where possible.
Ongoing Investigation
As previously indicated, to safely resume service, there are three milestones that must be achieved:
- Inspection of all light rail vehicles:
- This was completed on July 24; six vehicles are undergoing additional investigations.
- Texelis report based on the manufacturer’s disassembly and analysis of the out of tolerance hub:
- The Texelis report was received on July 28. Rideau Transit Group (RTG) and Alstom have completed the analysis and confirmed that the degradation of the wheel hub is similar to what was found on the hub assemblies in the previous two incidents in August 2021 and July 2022. This reinforces Alstom’s conclusion that the final fix to the bearing issue is the redesign of the wheel hub assembly, which is now underway.
- The final Safety Note from RTG and Alstom, outlines the following parameters of the plan for the safe operations of Line 1:
- Continue with all mitigation measures already in place
- Replacement of the leading and trailing wheel hub assemblies and axles every 60,000 kilometres
- Implement a new inspection regime for the middle bogies
- Avoid any contact between the wheel and the restraining rail. This is a new requirement received on Friday, July 28 based on the results of instrumented bogie tests.
Over the weekend, RTG, Alstom and OC Transpo with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA) worked to determine the required actions to begin a full risk assessment. Discussions indicate the following actions will be needed:
Action |
Start date |
End date |
RTG to retain Atkins Global, an engineering expert in the field, to advise where to reposition the restraining rails |
July 31 |
To be confirmed |
Continue to discuss the risk assessment until final |
July 29 |
To be confirmed |
Proceed to reposition the restraining rail |
10 days of work; can only commence after acceptance of the risk assessment |
To be confirmed |
Conduct trial running |
Start date to be confirmed |
To be confirmed |
At this time, OC Transpo cannot provide an anticipated date for the safe resumption of service. As work progresses, we will provide an update on the potential timing to restart service.
Fleet availability
In the meantime, Alstom continues to change the wheel hub assemblies to increase the availability of the train fleet. To date, 12 cars have had their hub assemblies replaced. The ongoing replacements will increase the number of cars available to operate, when it is safe to resume service.
OC Transpo recognizes that the ongoing service disruption is frustrating for our customers and is committed to restoring service as soon as it is safe to do so.
There will be a media availability at 4pm and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 28: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe return to service.
R1 Service
- R1 bus service continues to operate in place of the rail alignment. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service.
Ongoing Investigation:
As previously indicated, to safely resume service, there are three milestones that must be achieved:
- Inspection of all light rail vehicles:
- This was completed on July 24; six vehicles are undergoing additional investigations.
- Texelis report based on the manufacturer’s disassembly and analysis of the out of tolerance hub:
- The Texelis report has been received. Rideau Transit Group (RTG) is currently conducting a review.
- The final safety note from RTG, outlining the parameters of the new containment plan for the safe operations of Line 1:
- A draft Safety Note was received on July 26
- RTG informed us that the Safety Note requires additional actions to ensure that there is no contact between the train wheel and the restraining rail.
RTG and Alstom have conducted numerous instrumented bogie tests, which have resulted in the need for additional track infrastructure work to ensure that the train wheels do not make contact with the restraining rail. The need for this additional work means that the gradual resumption of service, initially anticipated to occur on July 31, will be delayed.
OC Transpo is working with RTG to determine the next steps, including a new risk assessment for the work to ensure that the track infrastructure conforms to the new Safety Note.
Work on the risk assessment and next steps for adjusting rail infrastructure will proceed through the weekend. Once the risk assessment is complete, it will take approximately 10 days to complete the track infrastructure work.
More information on the requirements for this work and timelines for the safe resumption of service will be provided on Monday, July 31.
In the interim, RTG will continue to change the wheel hub assemblies. This will increase the number of light rail vehicles available for operation, when it is determined service can safely resume.
OC Transpo recognizes that the ongoing service disruption is frustrating for our customers. However, the safety of our customers and employees is paramount.
There will be a media availability at 4 p.m. and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 27: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the ongoing O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe, progressive return to service.
Safe Return to Service
Currently, the safe progressive return to service is expected on Monday, July 31. To safely resume service, three milestones are required:
- Inspection of all light rail vehicles:
- This was completed on July 24; six vehicles are undergoing additional investigations.
- Texelis report based on the manufacturer’s disassembly and analysis of the out of tolerance hub:
- The disassembly has been done and inspection work is taking place. This report is expected on July 28.
- The final safety note from Rideau Transit Group (RTG), outlining the parameters of the new containment plan for the safe operations of Line 1:
- OC Transpo and RTG are working collaboratively to finalize this document.
Fleet Availability
RTG continues to make progress on increasing the number of single-car trains available for operation and currently have eight which are fit for service. We anticipate having the required vehicles for service resumption on Monday.
This means that operational plans for July 31 continue to be:
- Eight single-car trains serving all stations across Line 1, approximately seven to eight minutes
- R1 bus service operating parallel to Line 1
- OC Transpo staff available at key stations to support customers during their trips
- Transit Operations Control Centre continuing to monitor customer volumes on the system and are making adjustments as necessary
Resumption of Service
Work is underway to prepare to welcome customers back to Line 1. Over the weekend, trains will run across Line 1 as part of testing and trial running in preparation for the resumption of service.
Other preparations include:
- Reviewing all stations to ensure they are clean and ready to open
- Verifying the stations and tracks are ready for operation
- Ensuring all the customer signage and announcement systems are working
- Reviewing and preparing new wayfinding signage and communications materials to assist customers in navigating the stations and R1 stop locations
- Preparing red-vested outreach, Transit Supervisors and Rail Operations staff to be at key stations along Line 1 to support customers
There will be a media availability at 4 p.m. today and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 26: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide an update to the Mayor and Members of Council on the ongoing
O-Train Line 1 service disruption and the safe, gradual return to service.
At this time, OC Transpo continues to anticipate that the gradual resumption of service will begin on Monday, July 31. In order to safely resume service, three items are required:
- Inspection of all rail vehicles, which was completed on July 24; six vehicles are undergoing additional investigations
- Texelis report based on the manufacturer’s disassembly and analysis of the out of tolerance axle hub, expected on July 28
- Safety Note from Alstom and RTG, outlining the parameters of the new containment plan for the safe operations of Line 1
Earlier today, Alstom and RTG provided the draft Safety Note. The document is being reviewed by OC Transpo. At a high level, the Safety Note lays out plans for a new inspection and replacement regime that requires:
- Continuing with all mitigation measures already in place
- Replacement of the leading and trailing wheel hub assemblies and axles every 60,000 kilometres
- Implement a new inspection regime for middle bogies
As a result of this enhanced inspection and replacement program, not all trains will be available to operate as they undergo wheel hub assembly replacement based on their current mileage. OC Transpo is committed to restoring O-Train service as soon as it is safe to do so. Based on this information, current reduced ridership levels, and that Line 1 can operate with either single or double-car trains, customers can expect the following progressive return to service:
- Eight single-car trains serving all stations on Line 1, approximately every seven to eight minutes
- R1 bus service will continue to operate in parallel to Line 1 service
- OC Transpo staff will continue to be at key stations to support customers during their trip
- The Transit Operations Control Centre will be closely monitoring passenger volumes at stations
This fleet size in combination with the ongoing R1 bus service will provide the capacity required to meet current customer volumes. This temporary single-car train configuration enables OC Transpo and RTG to manage the supply of rail vehicles while meeting the more frequent inspection and replacement regime in order to ensure the sustainable delivery of service.
OC Transpo and Rideau Transit Group (RTG) conducted a risk assessment and confirmed that since the system was originally designed to accommodate both single and double-car train operations, there are no additional risks to customer safety at station platforms.
As RTG progresses with the wheel hub assembly replacement, more trains will become available to maintain the sustainability of the eight trains in operation. Once OC Transpo can be assured that there is a sustainable number of vehicles available for service, we will assess an increase to the number of operating trains.
OC Transpo continues to work with RTG and Alstom to finalize the Safety Note and the gradual safe return to service plan. Once plans are final, full details will be communicated to customers prior to the start of service through all of OC Transpo’s channels.
There will be a media availability at 4 p.m. today and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 25: Line 1 Service Update
R1 Service
- R1 bus service continues to operate in place of the rail alignment. An update was sent early this morning regarding the status of service.
Ongoing investigation and return to service plan
There continues to be important progress made across all key areas of the investigation into the wheel hub assembly issue to safely restore service on Line 1.
- The inspection of 44 light rail vehicles was completed yesterday. One out of service vehicle in Kingston will be inspected at a later date. Six (6) light rail vehicles are undergoing further inspections.
- Track measurements are being verified in the field prior to re-setting of the gauge.
- The restraining rail is being adjusted to an optimized position on several curves and this work is expected to be complete by July 30. This work will help minimize the contact between the wheel of the light rail vehicle and the rail to improve overall vehicle sustainability.
- The out of tolerance axle hub is in France; dismantling and analysis will commence shortly. The report from this investigation is expected by July 28.
Bogie tests:
- An instrumented bogie test train fitted with an out-of-tolerance axle hub will run along the line at regular speeds today to determine the vibration signature which will help with further analysis of the issues affecting the wheel hub assembly.
- Detailed analysis of completed bogie tests continues.
Return to Service plan:
- The Return to Service Plan includes critical activities and includes a safety letter provided by Alstom, through the Rideau Transit Group (RTG), and a report from Texelis. These documents will be subject to review and acceptance (approval) by the City. Transportation Resource Associates (TRA) continues to work with the City and its partners, providing input and advice on the work underway.
- Progress continues to be made on all aspects of this work, and we continue to anticipate a gradual, safe return to service by July 31.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c. Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 24: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide an update to the Mayor and Members of Council on the current service levels, completed and planned work on the ongoing investigation, and an update on the safe resumption of service, which is expected by July 31st .
We will continue to provide further updates as they become available. A media availability will be held at 10 a.m. today, and at 4 p.m. daily for the remainder of the week.
R1 Service
- An update was sent early this morning regarding R1 service.
Ongoing investigation
The difficult decision to suspend service was made to ensure the ongoing safety of our customers and staff.
Since then, there has been important progress on all three key areas of the ongoing investigation and the suspension of service on Line 1.
The following tests have been undertaken since the temporary suspension of service:
Ongoing Investigation – Inspections
Required Work |
Purpose/Description |
Latest Information |
Planned Work |
Prybar test |
The prybar test is used to ensure the bearing hub assembly is within tolerance. |
44 light rail vehicles have been checked. Six light-rail vehicles are being investigated further. |
This work is complete. One vehicle that was previously out of service is in Kingston and will be completed at a later date. |
Visual track inspection |
The mainline infrastructure needs to be inspected for abnormalities. |
A visual inspection was undertaken. No issues were identified. |
This work is complete. |
Rail geometry |
Rail to rail measurements were undertaken to confirm adherence to maintenance tolerances. |
Multiple digital Geismar tests were conducted. |
Results being analyzed to identify any non-conformances. |
Restraining Rail |
Correct alignment of this safety rail is required to minimize forces on the axle hub. |
Several restraining rails have been set to the optimum position. |
The remaining restraining rails will be adjusted by July 30. |
Failed axle hub |
A tear down of the axle hub assembly will be undertaken as part of the root cause. |
The failed axle hub assembly is in France with the manufacturer. |
Analysis will start this week, with a report expected July 28. |
Ongoing Investigation – Instrumented Bogie Tests
Required Work |
Purpose/Description |
Latest Information |
Planned Work |
Tests with varying configurations and loads |
Instrumented axles record vibrations and forces under different vehicle loading conditions, speeds, and track infrastructure configurations to check if design parameters are being exceeded. |
Multiple load tests were completed:
Preliminary indications are that forces recorded are unlikely to have caused an acute failure, but repetitive loading cycles contribute to degraded performance. |
Detailed analysis of the data from the tests. |
Vibration sensors (Smart Bugs®) |
A vehicle fitted with vibration monitors is coupled to the instrumented bogie test train to gather data. |
The test train was coupled with a light rail vehicle fitted with vibration sensors to complete numerous tests. |
Results from tested to be analyzed. |
Vibration Sensor signature |
A test train equipped with vibration sensors (Smart Bugs®) is operated to determine the vibration signature of a failed hub assembly. |
The test train is being configured to undertake these tests. |
Test plans are being reviewed with testing expected to take place later this week. |
Return to Service Plan
Line 1 service will resume when it is safe to do so.
We continue to meet with Rideau Transit Group (RTG) and Alstom to finalize a safe return to service plan that is sustainable. Our focus is ensuring the increased reliability and long-term sustainability of the system.
The Return to Service Plan has several critical activities and includes a safety letter provided by Alstom, through RTG, and a report from Texelis, the manufacturer of the axles. These documents will be reviewed by OC Transpo, in association with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA), OC Transpo’s third party expert.
Return to Service Plan
Required Work (investigation) |
Status |
Expected Completion |
Prybar Tests |
44 light rail vehicles have been inspected. |
Complete. The out of service vehicle in Kingston will be completed later. |
Findings of the failed hub assembly from the manufacturer |
The failed hub assembly has arrived in France. |
Report from manufacturer by July 28. |
Restraining Rail adjustments |
Restraining rail adjustments are underway. |
July 28 |
Safety note from Alstom and RTG |
A draft safety note is being reviewed. |
July 31 |
Gradual safe resumption of service. |
July 31 |
Additionally, I am very pleased to announce that Alstom and RTG have agreed to a design modification to the wheel hub assembly. This means that Ottawa will finally have a permanent fix to this bearing issue, which will help to ensure the long-term sustainability of Line 1.
Reminder: We will continue to provide further updates as they become available. A media availability will be held at 10 a.m. today, and at 4 p.m. daily for the remainder of the week.
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c. Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 21: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00am with 12 buses. During peak periods this will be further increased to 36 buses.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are currently at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly to review any feedback and are reviewing potential route enhancements to R1 service.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
July 20: Line 1 Service Update
This memo is to provide an update to Mayor and Members of Council on the current service levels and ongoing investigation.
R1 Service
Currently, OC Transpo is providing the following service levels to our customers:
- R1 bus service continues to run between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair Stations
- During peak periods, 36 buses are in This helps mitigate traffic issues and increases reliability for our customers
New R1 Service Adjustments
- Starting at 3:00 PM, R1 service will be enhanced with the introduction of a shuttle between Lees and Rideau This will improve reliability and reduce travel times for customers
- For customers, this means:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture stations, stopping at each station except for Lees station
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees Station from the east can connect with the shuttle and Eastbound R1 service at uOttawa Station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue serve Lees Station
- Our Transit Operations Control Centre is working on finalizing additional R1 route enhancements to ensure we deliver the best possible service to our At the start of service tomorrow, R1 bus service will use Albert and Slater Street downtown, instead of Queen Street. For customers, this means:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert street with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater street with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- New signage is being installed to notify customers about the alternate R1 stops
- Staff are at stations supporting customers during their trips
We encourage customers to visit for the latest information about their trips.
Ongoing investigation
Important progress continues to be made on all key areas of the ongoing investigation:
- Inspections
- Completed work:
- The axle hub assemblies of 15 light rail vehicles have been No issues have been discovered
- An inspection of the light rail vehicle where the wheel hub assembly was identified uncovered no additional issues
- Planned work:
- Continued analysis of the results of the rail geometry assessments to identify non-conformances
- The underbodies of the remaining light rail vehicles will be inspected for excess grease
- Remaining light rail vehicles will be checked for wear and tear to the axle hub assembly. RTG is pursuing additional equipment and resources to expedite this work
- The out of tolerance axle hub assembly will be assessed by the manufacturer
- Completed work:
- Instrumented Bogie Tests:
- Completed work:
- The test train completed several runs in different train and track configurations, including different loads, to simulate real world conditions
- A test train was also coupled with a light rail vehicle fitted with Smart Bugs. It completed several runs and captured additional data
- Planned work:
- Additional test train runs will be conducted with various configurations
- Results from previous tests will be analyzed
- Completed work:
- Return to Service Plan:
- RTG is discussing return to service scenarios with the City
I will continue to provide updates as information becomes available.
Thank you,
Original signed by,
Renée Amilcar
c.c.: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations
July 19: Line 1 Service Update
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide an update to Mayor and Members of Council on the current service levels and ongoing investigation.
R1 Service
Currently, OC Transpo is providing the following service levels to our customers:
- R1 bus service continues to run between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations
- We will be increasing the number of buses for the afternoon peak service. 32 buses will be in operation this afternoon, instead of 28
- Starting tomorrow, 36 buses, instead of 28, will run during peak periods
- This change is being made to increase reliability and mitigate traffic issues that impact bus service
- Service continues to run well, and our Transit Operations Control Centre is working with Traffic Services, to make adjustments to R1 service to further increase reliability and reduce wait times for customers
- Staff continue to be at stations supporting customers during their trips
We encourage customers to visit for the latest information about their trips.
Ongoing investigation
Work is progressing on all key areas for the ongoing investigation:
- Inspections
- Completed work:
- Rail geometry assessments were completed
- The axle hub assemblies of 9 light rail vehicles have been checked and none have been discovered that are out of tolerance
- The underbodies of 35 light rail vehicles have been inspected and no evidence of excess grease has been found
- The axle hub assembly from the light rail vehicle where an issue was discovered has been sent to the manufacturer for detailed investigation
- Planned work:
- Analysis of the results of the rail geometry assessments to identify any non- conformances
- Remaining light rail vehicles will be checked for wear and tear of the axle hub assembly
- Completed work:
- Instrumented Bogie Tests:
- Completed work:
- The test train completed several runs in different train and track configurations, to simulate real world conditions
- Planned work:
- Additional test train runs in various configurations
- Test train will be coupled with a light rail vehicle fitted with Smart Bugs to gather additional data
- Results from previous tests to be analyzed
- Completed work:
- Return to Service Plan:
- RTG is currently developing a plan
I will continue to provide updates as information becomes available. Thank you,
Original signed by, Renée Amilcar
c.c. Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
Email reports
August 14: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 5am with 11 single-car trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. This afternoon, during the afternoon peak period, 13 single-car trains will operate every 4 minutes. During the remainder of the day, nine single-car trains will operate every 6 minutes.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station with Line 1 service also running in parallel. Shuttles are running to Lees Station every 30 minutes and to Cyrville Station every 15 minutes.
R1 Express is running every 15 minutes today from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, we will provide an update on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 13: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 8am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 8am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, we will provide an update on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 12: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 6am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 6am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 11: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 5am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, we will provide an update on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 10: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 5am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, we will provide an update on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 9: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 5am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa stations. Line 1 is operating with single-car trains which are currently meeting customer demand. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 8: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
Partial Line 1 Service
O-Train Line 1 service launched successfully at 5am with trains running every five minutes between Tunney’s Pasture and uOttawa station. Line 1 is operating with single-car trains which are currently meeting customer demand. OC Transpo continues to monitor rail operations and will adjust service levels, if required.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 7: Gradual Service Resumption
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the R1 service levels customers can expect today and the ongoing preparations for the gradual resumption of service on O-Train Line 1.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 5am between Blair and Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair. There is no R1 Express today due to Colonel By Day. The service will run on Tuesday, August 8.
R1 Para services provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, an update and media availability will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 6: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the R1 service levels customers can expect today and the ongoing preparations for the gradual resumption of service on O-Train Line 1.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 8am from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express continues to operate on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair. R1 Express will not run on Monday, August 7 due to the Colonel By Day.
R1 Para services provide additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip
Safe resumption of service
OC Transpo, RTG and Alstom are working to safely resume full Line 1 service on Monday, August 14. Adjustments to the restraining rails continue at all of the 16 identified locations.
In parallel, RTG also continues to replace the wheel hub assemblies on the light rail vehicles. To date, 21 trains have had their hub assemblies replaced. The ongoing replacements increase the number of cars available to operate, when it is safe to resume service.
As this work proceeds, OC Transpo is also preparing to welcome back customers.
These activities include:
Action |
Status |
Review all stations to ensure they are clean and ready to open |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Re-activate all escalators and elevators at all stations |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Conduct trial running to verify train systems |
In progress |
Ensure all customer signage at Line 1 stations is in place |
In progress |
Verify that announcement systems are in working order and update messages |
Validation during trial running - in progress |
Review and prepare wayfinding signage and materials to assist customers in navigating the stations |
In progress |
Prepare all outreach staff at key stations along Line 1 to support customers |
In progress |
Install new decals at Line 1 stations to identify boarding for single car locations |
Terminé |
Work on all areas of the resumption of service continues throughout the weekend.
We will continue to provide daily updates by email, and we will provide advanced notice of the next media availability.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 5: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the R1 service levels customers can expect today.
R1 Service
R1 service began this morning at 6am from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express continues to operate on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair. R1 Express will not run on Monday, August 7 due to the Colonel By Day holiday.
R1 Para services provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or can call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Work on all areas of the resumption of service continues throughout the weekend.
We will continue to provide daily updates by email, and we will provide advanced notice of the next media availability.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 4: Service Plan for Line 1
Good afternoon,
We are now in the third week of rail service being interrupted on Line 1. I want to share a few updates on current operations and our progress towards restoring rail service.
R1 optimization
Since we made the decision to halt rail service, we have been running R1 replacement bus service to support customers. We know that R1 service cannot match the speed, capacity, and efficiency of our trains but we have been listening to our customers and working to optimize routes and introduce new options to optimize R1 as much as possible:
- We shifted R1 from Queen Street to use Albert Street and Slater Street to take advantage of additional lanes on those one-way corridors.
- We have implemented shuttle bus service between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau Stations to help the system run more efficiently.
- We created R1 Express shuttle bus service to deliver customers directly to the downtown core.
- We introduced a new R1 Para Transpo bus service from Blair Station, to respond to concerns raised by customers with mobility needs.
I want to thank the bus operators, para operators, electric rail operators and diesel rail operators who are all assisting in helping with running this service. I also want to thank the mechanics, body repair staff and garage attendants who are ensuring our buses are ready to go out every day. Lastly, I also want to thank all the staff who worked tirelessly to plan and implement these creative solutions to improve service to our customers.
Updates on the milestones for resumption of service
Early on in this process, I defined three milestones that we needed to achieve before rail service could resume:
- A thorough inspection of the axle hubs of all light rail vehicles
- Receipt of a Texelis report based on the manufacturer’s disassembly and analysis of the out of tolerance hub
- The final Safety Note from RTG
Our focus now with RTG is on overseeing the work needed to meet the requirements of the Safety Note. We received the draft restraining rail report yesterday from Atkins Global. Along with Transportation Resource Associates (TRA), RTM, Alstom, and Atkins, we are working to finalize the report. In the meantime, RTG has enough information to begin repositioning some of the restraining rails, and this work began today. Once that work is complete, we will need to run tests to ensure that we are ready to resume service. The risk assessment is also almost complete.
Based on our progress to date, we are estimating beginning a gradual return to Line 1 service as early as August 14. This is an early estimate, which will evolve as the work progresses.
Media availabilities
Until Line 1 service has resumed, I will be conducting a media availability at 4 PM, Monday to Friday to keep our riders informed on our progress. Regularly joining me at these media availabilities are Mayor Sutcliffe, Chair Gower and our Interim City Manager, Wendy Stephanson.
You can watch it on the City of Ottawa’s YouTube channel here.
Demonstration on August 5
We are also aware of a potential motorcycle rally in the downtown area on Saturday, August 5. We will monitor for any impacts and adjust service further, if required.
Next steps
I know that the prolonged disruption of rail service is frustrating, both to our customers and to all Transit employees. Every day we are working towards the milestones for service resumption and, in the longer term, to put in place a permanent solution to resolve the axel bearing issue.
I would like to thank every one of you for your incredible work during this challenging time, especially those stepping outside of their regular duties to assist in providing the best service possible to Ottawa’s residents.
I will continue to share updates when we have more information.
Thank you again,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 4: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the R1 service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5am from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture station, with shuttles operating to Lees and Cyrville stations.
R1 Express operates on weekdays from 6:30 to 8:30am from Blair to downtown and from 3 to 6pm from downtown to Blair.
R1 Para service provides additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations. Customers can book this service the same day, speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service, or call 613-560-5000 for additional supports.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
There will be a media availability today at 4pm.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 3: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5am.
- R1 bus service uses Albert and Slater streets:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees Station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa Station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees Station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville Station and St-Laurent Station to connect customers with R1 service
The R1 Express shuttle continues to operate with:
- 12 buses, running approximately every 15 minutes
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 8:30am: Blair Station to downtown with service on Mackenize King Bridge and on Albert Street at Bank and Kent
- Monday to Friday from 3 to 6pm: Downtown with service on Slater Street at Kent and O’Connor and Mackenize King Bridge to Blair Station
- The R1 Express buses are easily identifiable as R1 Lyon Express in the westbound direction and R1 Blair Express in the eastbound direction.
The new R1 Para was introduced on Wednesday to provide additional transit options for Para Transpo customers and customers who may require accessible service. It operates:
- Between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair stations
- Customers can book this service the same day or speak to OC Transpo staff at stations to request the service
- Customers who require additional supports should call 613-560-5000
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, an update will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 2: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5am.
- R1 bus service uses Albert and Slater streets:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees Station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa Station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees Station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville Station and St-Laurent Station to connect customers with R1 service
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
The new R1 Express shuttle continues to operate:
- The service offers 12 buses, running approximately every 15 minutes.
- The service runs:
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 8:30am: Blair Station to downtown with service on Mackenize King Bridge and on Albert Street at Bank and Kent
- Monday to Friday from 3 to 6pm: Downtown with service on Slater Street at Kent and O’Connor and Mackenize King Bridge to Blair Station
- The R1 Express buses are easily identifiable as R1 Lyon Express in the westbound direction and R1 Blair Express in the eastbound direction.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, an update will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
August 1: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5am.
- R1 bus service uses Albert and Slater streets:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees Station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa Station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees Station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville Station and St-Laurent Station to connect customers with R1 service
- After a successful afternoon service on Monday, the new R1 Express shuttle continues to operate with additional buses and drivers.
- The service offers 12 buses, running approximately every 15 minutes:
- The service runs:
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 8:30am: Blair Station to downtown with service on Mackenize King Bridge and on Albert Street at Bank and Kent
- Monday to Friday from 3 to 6pm: Downtown with service on Slater Street at Kent and O’Connor and Mackenize King Bridge to Blair Station
- The R1 Express buses are easily identifiable as R1 Lyon Express in the westbound direction and R1 Blair Express in the eastbound direction.
OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust the service, where possible.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, an update will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 31: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5am.
- R1 bus service uses Albert and Slater streets:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville station and St-Laurent station to connect customers with R1 service
To supplement the existing R1 bus service, a new R1 Express shuttle will begin operating today and run westbound on weekday mornings and eastbound during weekday afternoons. This will offer our customers an additional travel option during the busiest commuting times.
The R1 Express will initially operate with 12 buses, running approximately once every 15 minutes. These buses are in addition to the 36 buses that continue to deliver the R1 bus service. OC Transpo will continue to monitor and make adjustments, where possible.
R1 Express will operate on:
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 8:30am: Blair Station to downtown with service on Mackenze King Bridge and on Albert Street at Bank and Kent
- Monday to Friday from 3 to 6pm: Downtown with service on Slater Street at Bank and Kent and Mackenize King Bridge to Blair Station
The R1 Express buses are easily identifiable as R1 Lyon Express in the westbound direction and R1 Blair Express in the eastbound direction. There will also be staff and signage at stations to assist customers.
Further details on how the R1 Express service operated will be provided in the next update to Council.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Later today, an update will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service, following the update provided on Friday.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 30: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council.
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers will have today and what they can expect on Monday, July 31.
Sunday, July 30
R1 service began this morning at 8am.
- R1 bus service uses Albert and Slater streets downtown, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville station and St-Laurent station in order to connect customers with R1 service
Monday, July 31
OC Transpo has listened to and heard the feedback from customers on R1 bus service and is responding. Beginning on Monday July 31, a new R1 Express shuttle will be introduced. The R1 Express will operate between Blair Station and the downtown stations. This service will be in addition to the existing R1 bus service, which continues to operate on the same service pattern and schedule. The R1 Express service will run westbound on weekday mornings and eastbound during weekday afternoons and will offer our customers an additional travel option during the busiest commuting times.
The R1 Express will initially operate with 12 buses, running approximately once every 15 minutes. OC Transpo will continue to monitor and adjust where possible.
R1 Express will operate on:
- Monday to Friday, from 6:30 to 8:30am: Blair Station to downtown, with service on Mackenize King Bridge and on Albert Street at Bank and Kent
- Monday to Friday, from 3 to 6pm: Downtown with service on Slater Street at Bank and Kent and Mackenize King Bridge to Blair Station
The R1 Express buses will be easily identifiable as R1 Lyon Express in the westbound direction and R1 Blair Express in the eastbound direction. There will also be staff and signage at stations to assist customers.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Please rest assured that work on all key areas of the investigation will continue throughout the weekend.
On Monday, July 31, an update will be provided on the ongoing investigation and safe return to service, following the memo sent on Friday.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 29: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 6:00 a.m. The revised R1 route is operating well, and we continue to monitor it closely.
Customers should know that:
- R1 bus service now uses Albert and Slater streets downtown, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses are running on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses are running on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- Westbound R1 service is running from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle operates between Lees, uOttawa, and Rideau stations:
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
- A shuttle is running between Cyrville station and St-Laurent station in order to connect customers with R1 service
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
Please rest assured that work on all key areas of the investigation will continue throughout the weekend.
On Monday, July 31st, we should be able to present the new information on the safe return to service, following the memo sent on Friday.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 28: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
R1 bus service will continue to use Albert and Slater streets, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly and reviewing customer feedback.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
We will provide updates on the investigation later today, and we will be available to provide details on the progressive return to service plan and what that means for our customers.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 27: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
R1 bus service will continue to use Albert and Slater streets, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly and reviewing customer feedback.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
We will provide any updates on the investigation later today, and we will be available to provide details on the progressive return to service plan and what that means for our customers.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 26: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
R1 bus service will continue to use Albert and Slater streets, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly and reviewing customer feedback.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
We will have further updates on the investigation later today, including details on the gradual return to service plan and what that means for our customers.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 25: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
R1 bus service will continue to use Albert and Slater streets, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly and reviewing customer feedback.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
We will have further updates on the investigation later today.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 24: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council.
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
R1 bus service will continue to use Albert and Slater streets, instead of Queen Street:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue to serve Lees station
- Based on customer feedback, new signage has been installed at Albert and Slater streets.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
We will have further updates on the investigation later this morning.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 21: Line 1 Service Update
July 20: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00am with 12 buses. During peak periods this will be further increased to 36 buses.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are currently at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly to review any feedback and are reviewing potential route enhancements to R1 service.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
I will continue to share updates as further information becomes available.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 19: Line 1 Service Update
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00am with 12 buses providing service approximately every 15 minutes. During peak periods this will be increased to 28 buses providing service approximately every 5 minutes.
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are currently at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly to review any feedback and implement any additional mitigation measures were possible.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
I will continue to share updates as further information becomes available.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
Good morning, Mayor and Members of Council.
I am writing to provide a brief update on the service levels customers can expect today.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00 a.m. with 12 buses. During peak periods, this will be increased to 36 buses.
The enhanced R1 route has been implemented. For customers, this means:
- R1 bus service will use Albert and Slater streets downtown, instead of Queen Street. For customers, this means:
- Westbound R1 buses will run on Albert Street, with stops at Bank and Kent
- Eastbound R1 buses will run on Slater Street, with stops at Kent and O’Connor
- A shuttle will also run between Lees and Rideau stations. For customers, this means:
- Westbound R1 service will run from Blair to Tunney’s Pasture, stopping at each station, except for Lees
- A shuttle will run between Lees, uOttawa and Rideau stations
- Customers travelling to Lees station from the east can connect with the shuttle and eastbound R1 service at uOttawa station
- Eastbound R1 service will continue serve Lees station
- New signage has been installed to notify customers about the alternate R1 stops
Line 1 stations remain closed, and our staff are at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Our team continues to meet regularly.
Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information regarding their trip.
I will continue to share updates as more information becomes available.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 18: Line 1 Service Updates
Email #1
Good morning Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide a brief update on the current service and support being provided to customers.
R1 service began this morning at 5:00am with 12 buses providing service every 10 minutes. During peak periods we will have 28 buses providing service approximately every 5 minutes.
Line 1 stations are closed, and signage has been installed directing customers to R1 service. Staff are currently at major transit stations providing support to customers during their trip. Social media updates continue to be shared and customers are encouraged to check for the latest information.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
Email #2
Good afternoon, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide an update regarding our current service levels and ongoing investigation.
Currently, OC Transpo is providing the following service levels to our customers:
- R1 bus service will continue to run between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair station
- Similarly, to this morning, for the afternoon peak service, 28 buses will be in operation providing service every 5 minutes.
- Currently, service is running well, and our Transit Operations Control Centre is monitoring demand and adjusting where possible
- Staff continue to be at stations supporting customers during their trip
Customers can expect until further notice that:
- R1 service will continue to operate from Tunney’s Pasture to Blair Station
- R1 service will start at 5:00 am and operate until 1:00 am
- We will continue to have staff at stations to support customers and share updates on social media and on our website as they become available
- We know that customers encountered some crowding at stations and our Transit Operations Control Centre is reviewing possible mitigation strategies
There are currently three key areas of work relating to the ongoing investigation:
- Inspections:
- A track inspection from end to end has been completed, with no issues found
- Later today, a geometrical rail inspection will take place. This inspection will take measurements of key rail infrastructure, like the distance between rails and other key metrics
- Currently, every axle on every train is being inspected. Vehicle inspections are looking for excess grease and if the wear and tear on the axle is above the expected amount. There have been 5 trains inspected, and no issues have been identified
- Instrumented Bogie Tests:
- Customers may see a train on the track throughout the day. This train is not in service but is equipped with specialized tools to measure the forces and loads on the axles of the train. This provides key data to understand the wear and tear that the wheel hub assembly of the trains may be experiencing and provides the information required to determine root cause and the conditions necessary for a safe return to service.
- Return to Service Plan:
- RTG, Alstom and the City are working on scenarios to resume passenger service
- Alstom is working to establish the requirements of the safety regime that will allow passenger service to resume
- All axle hubs will be inspected and data from instrumented bogie testing will be analyzed prior to the return to service plan being finalized. The team is working around the clock to expedite this work.
Additional progress is required in these three key areas before an expected time for safe resumption of service can be provided.
I know that this is a frustrating experience for customers. Our number one priority is the safety of our customers and staff and no shortcuts will be taken.
Many thanks,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
July 17: Line 1 Service Updates
Initial email notification
Good afternoon, Mayor and Members of Council,
This email is to notify you that, in an abundance of caution, Transit Services is immediately launching R1 service across Line 1, after a routine inspection revealed an issue with a bearing.
More information will be provided soon.
Many thanks,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8
Update # 1
Good evening, Mayor and Members of Council,
I am writing to provide an update on the current state of our rail service and to provide the most up to date information regarding the issue that was discovered during a routine inspection earlier today.
Currently, OC Transpo is providing the following service levels to our customers:
- R1 bus service is running between Tunney’s Pasture and Blair station
- To support R1 service there are 20 buses in operation providing customers with service every 10 minutes. Service is running well
- Signage has been installed in O-Train stations to ensure customers are aware of R1 service
This is what customers can expect until further notice:
- R1 service will be operating from Tunney’s Pasture to Blair Station until further notice
- R1 service will start at 5:00 am and operate until 1:00 am. Our Transit Operations Control Centre is working to balance service delivery to support customers as best as possible, with a goal of 5-minute bus service
- Staff are scheduled to be at all major stations to support customers during their commute
- Additional signage is being installed to ensure customers are provided with accurate information during their trip
- Regular updates are being provided to customers on our social media and posted on our website. Customers are encouraged to visit for the latest information
Here’s what you need to know about the issue that was identified earlier today; this is similar to the axle bearing issues that have occurred in the past.
- During a routine 50,000 kilometres inspection of one of the light rail vehicles, excess grease on one axle was discovered
- Upon further investigation an axle check was done, and it was determined that the bearing play was over the threshold at which it could stay in operation
- The safety of our customers and staff is our number one priority and, out of an abundance of caution, Line 1 service was suspended to allow for a complete investigation
- Our team is focused on working with RTG and Alstom on the investigation
Here is an update on the current investigation:
- All light rail vehicles are being safely returned to the Maintenance and Storage Facility. This will allow for every single axle to be inspected and checked for any play within the axle hub
- Alstom is conducting inspections of the track
I know this situation is very frustrating for our customers. We will be having a media availability tomorrow afternoon and we will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Thank you,
Renée Amilcar
General Manager, Transit Services Department
Directrice générale, Services de transport en commun
City of Ottawa | Ville d'Ottawa
1500 St-Laurent Boulevard |1500, boulevard St-Laurent
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z8