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Image - Scan your transfer when you board the bus, and more!
Fares newsServices news

Scan your transfer when you board the bus, and more!

You may have noticed new fare readers on buses and at O-Train Line 1 fare gates recently. These fare readers have upgraded capabilities that allow more kinds of fares to be tapped and scanned.

Here are what these readers can do:

  • Scan barcoded fares
  • Tap your Senior Presto card any day of the week
  • Tap your multi-day pass or child card

Read More about Scan your transfer when you board the bus, and more!

Image - Introducing OC Transpo Helps
Services news

Introducing OC Transpo Helps

OC Transpo sent its first Tweet in 2010. Since then, how we use Twitter has evolved.

As of May 1, @OCTranspoLive is now @OC_TranspoHelps. This rebranded account is your number one location for customer service support on Twitter. 

Let us use more than 280 characters to introduce @OC_TranspoHelps, where customers can continue to find helpful trip information, and to update you on what real-time information improvements are underway. 

Read More about Introducing OC Transpo Helps

Image - Introducing Transit, our new favourite app
Services newsAccessibility newsO-Train Extension newsO-Train network news

Introducing Transit, our new favourite app

We have retired our OC Transpo app for iOS and partnered with Transit to provide Ottawa users with free access to the Royale subscription.

You will be able to access the subscription's additional features immediately, as long as you have the latest version of the app.

Read More about Introducing Transit, our new favourite app

Image - Introducing new ways to pay on Para Transpo!

Introducing new ways to pay on Para Transpo!

Paying for your Para Transpo trip just got easier. All Para Transpo minibuses and taxis now have smartcard readers, giving you the option to pay your fare with a Presto card.

For more flexibility, try paying with a credit card, debit card or with mobile wallet on a smartphone if you are paying a regular Adult fare.

Read More about Introducing new ways to pay on Para Transpo!

Image - Returning to the office? We’ll take you there
Services news

Returning to the office? We’ll take you there

Whether you’ve commuted with us in the past or you’re new to transit, we have affordable and flexible options for travelling to your office and back, any day of the week. Together, OC Transpo and STO provide service to all major Government of Canada workplaces, with fare options to suit the needs of every customer.  

Our teams are closely monitoring ridership demand and trends as federal government workers return to the workplace. We have capacity for returning commuters and we are prepared to make changes to service where there is a need.

Here are resources to make your trip back to the office as smooth as possible.

Read More about Returning to the office? We’ll take you there

Image - Don’t stray onto the bus roadway!

Don’t stray onto the bus roadway!

When you’re in a hurry, we know it can be tempting to take a shortcut by cutting across the bus roadway at stations. But saving a minute is never worth compromising your safety, or the safety of others.

The bus roadway is an active, busy road for buses and other transit vehicles. Pedestrians are not permitted to walk on the roadway.

Instead, be sure to always obey signage showing you where to go. Designated crosswalks or pedestrian bridges are well marked and provide a safe place to cross.

Read More about Don’t stray onto the bus roadway!

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