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Image - A day in the life: Para Transpo Operator
The Next Stop Blog news

A day in the life: Para Transpo Operator

At OC Transpo, we are committed to providing transit services that are accessible to everyone.

Para Transpo is a shared-ride, book-in-advance, public transit service. The service is open to customers who are unable to take buses or the O-Train some or all of the time due to a disability. 

There are more than 130 operators on the Para Transpo team who provide door-to-door service.

We caught up with Sam who is one of our operators to find out what it’s like to spend a day behind the wheel at Para Transpo.

What’s a typical day for a Para Transpo operator?

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Image - Blast from the pass
The Next Stop Blog news

Blast from the pass

Is it embarrassing to get excited about a transit pass?  

No, we didn’t think so either.  

A customer recently turned in a very special transit pass from the year 2000.  

Not only was it from the first month of the year, but it was the very first pass issued of the millennium!   

That’s right – transit pass 0001. 

Our jaws dropped when seeing the excellent condition of this historic pass. We immediately added it to our archives.  

This made us wonder, what other vintage transit passes do we have kicking around? 

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Image - Have you met our newest train?
The Next Stop Blog news

Have you met our newest train?

There’s a new train in town.  

Have you met the FLIRT

Also known as the Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train, the FLIRT is our newest train that is currently undergoing testing on the Stage 2 O-Train South Extension. In the near future, customers will be able to ride our newest trains between Bayview Station and Limebank Station in Riverside South on the future expanded Line 2

Let’s get to know our new train a little better. 

Read More about Have you met our newest train?

Image - Introducing <em>The Next Stop Blog</em>
The Next Stop Blog news

Introducing The Next Stop Blog

We did it. We’ve launched a blog. If it were 1999, this would be cutting edge.

We recognize the year is 2023 and a TikTok account would have been more timely. We’re not ruling that out, we just need to work on our choreography.  

We also recognize that you, our customers, have lots of questions. We’re working to rebuild your trust and we understand that communication is an important part of this journey.  

The Next Stop Blog is your destination for OC Transpo stories and explainers. We want you to get to know OC Transpo. Not a little better, but a lot better.  

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Image - OC Explained: Zero Emission Bus Project
The Next Stop Blog news

OC Explained: Zero Emission Bus Project

Less greenhouse gas emissions, same great service and lower operating costs.

That’s exactly what OC Transpo is working toward as we transition our bus fleet from diesel to electric.

On February 1, Council approved our plan to proceed with adding 26 zero emission buses (ZEBs) in 2024. We also received approval to move ahead with facility upgrades that will help charge and maintain our growing electric bus fleet.

This is an important project and we’re excited to tell you more about it.

Read More about OC Explained: Zero Emission Bus Project

Image - Making it easier for people with guide dogs to travel on public transit
The Next Stop Blog news

Making it easier for people with guide dogs to travel on public transit

This bus will find its new home at CNIB’s Canine Campus, which is a 158-acre rural property and the national training facility for CNIB Guide Dogs. Pictured are left to right: Miriam Mas (CNIB), OC Transpo Accessibility Specialist, Kathy Riley, OC Transpo General Manager, Renée Amilcar, Ben Francis (CNIB) and Shona Kemp (CNIB).

A decommissioned OC Transpo bus is on its way to CNIB’s Canine Campus in Carleton Place, creating a new life and purpose for a bus that once transported thousands of customers across Ottawa. After many years in service, this bus will now help CNIB Guide Dog Trainers enable future guide dogs to learn the procedures for boarding, traveling, and exiting public transit.

Read More about Making it easier for people with guide dogs to travel on public transit

Image - Meet some of OC Transpo’s longest serving employees
The Next Stop Blog news

Meet some of OC Transpo’s longest serving employees

On November 18, the City of Ottawa held its first in-person long service awards ceremony since 2019.

More than 400 employees were recognized for their 25 to 50 years of dedicated service.

We caught up with some of OC Transpo’s longest serving employees.

Read More about Meet some of OC Transpo’s longest serving employees

Image - Tracking Progress: Stage 2 East Extension East meets O-Train Line 1
The Next Stop Blog news

Tracking Progress: Stage 2 East Extension East meets O-Train Line 1

Construction at Blair Station to connect O-Train Line 1 to Stage 2 East Extension, early October 2022.

Over the weekend, O-Train Line 1 was officially introduced to its east extension. Stage 2 crews successfully connected the rail of O-Train Line 1 with the O-Train East Extension near Blair Station.

East end customers in Beacon Hill, Blackburn Hamlet, and Orléans are one step closer to seeing trains being tested in their community.

Read More about Tracking Progress: Stage 2 East Extension East meets O-Train Line 1

Image - OC Transpo’s newest Bus Operators are ready to hit the road
The Next Stop Blog news

OC Transpo’s newest Bus Operators are ready to hit the road

Ten new Bus Operator graduates celebrate the completion of their training (October 21, 2022)

After spending six weeks learning the ins and outs of safely driving a bus, OC Transpo is handing over the keys to another class of successful Bus Operator graduates.

OC Transpo’s recruitment campaign is on target to hire 290 Bus Operators by the end of the year. Special efforts to hire additional Bus Operators will continue as part of OC Transpo’s ongoing commitment to provide reliable bus service to customers.  

Are you interested in driving for OC Transpo?

Read More about OC Transpo’s newest Bus Operators are ready to hit the road

Image - Look whoooo’s turning 33!
The Next Stop Blog news

Look whoooo’s turning 33!

OC Owl has been having a hoot for three decades helping customers safely travel on OC Transpo.

In October 1989, Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister, the top Canadian music artists were Tom Cochrane and Roch Voisine. Also in this year, OC Owl was officially introduced to commuters as a public safety ambassador for OC Transpo’s Transecure Community Watch program.

Read More about Look whoooo’s turning 33!

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