February 25, 2021
Occurrence type: Derailment
Skid steer came off the tracks. There was no reported damage.
The safety of customers and employees is OC Transpo’s top priority. There are multiple layers of safety built into the O-Train system based on industry-best practices and reflected in all our processes and procedures.
As with any rail system, the O-Train can experience unforeseen occurrences and service disruptions. In these instances, OC Transpo takes immediate and coordinated action, engaging Rideau Transit Maintenance or TransitNext, and other stakeholders and subject matter experts. As part of our standard practice, notification is provided to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB).
For more information on the TSB notification process, please consult tsb.gc.ca.
Below is a list of O-Train TSB reportable collisions and derailments:
Occurrence type: Derailment
Skid steer came off the tracks. There was no reported damage.
Occurrence type: Collision
A skid steer was spreading salt in the yard when it struck a parked LRV. The LRV sustained damage to the door and the door sill.
Occurrence type: Collision
Train struck the concrete base of a sign placed too close to the track. Minimal damage was sustained by the train.
Occurrence type: Derailment
LRV wheels left the track when the vehicle was leaving the yard on the connector tracks.
Occurrence type: Derailment
Wheels on the LRV left the rail while the train was being moved in the yard.
Occurrence type: Collision
LRV was being moved with a rail car mover into a maintenance bay when the pantograph made contact with the cathedral walkway. The cathedral walkway sustained damage.
Occurrence type: Derailment
A switch was commanded to move while the train was travelling over it.
Occurrence type: Derailment
Hi-rail vehicle was completing a quarterly inspection of the Overhead Contact System (OCS) in the yard, when wheels left the track while moving in reverse.
Occurrence type: Derailment
Hi-rail vehicle was pulling a track tracer when wheels on the hi-rail vehicle left the track.
Occurrence type: Derailment
Hi-rail vehicle was pulling a track tracer, as part of telemetry testing, when the hi-rail vehicle’s wheel left the track. No damage was sustained to the OCS hi-rail vehicle, or the track tracer.
Occurrence type: Collision
Train collided with a parked train on an adjacent track. There was damage to the exterior body of the LRVs.
Occurrence type: Derailment
Wheels on the rail car mover left the track as the switch was commanded to move while the equipment was travelling over it. No damage other than scratches to equipment were incurred.