December 17, 2024
Occurrence type: Collision
Two trains made contact while traveling at low speeds on adjacent tracks at the Belfast Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility. There were no injuries but damage to both trains was reported.
The safety of customers and employees is OC Transpo’s top priority. There are multiple layers of safety built into the O-Train Line 1 system based on industry-best practices and reflected in all our processes and procedures.
As with any rail system, the O-Train Line 1 can experience unforeseen occurrences and service disruptions. In these instances, OC Transpo takes immediate and coordinated action, engaging Rideau Transit Maintenance, and other stakeholders and subject matter experts. As part of our standard practice, notification is provided to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB).
For more information on the TSB notification process, please consult
Below is a list of O-Train Line 1 TSB reportable collisions and derailments:
Occurrence type: Collision
Two trains made contact while traveling at low speeds on adjacent tracks at the Belfast Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility. There were no injuries but damage to both trains was reported.
Occurrence type: Collision
While traveling at a low speed during an uncoupling procedure at the Belfast Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility, a railcar mover made contact with a stationary LRV. There were no injuries and damage to the equipment was minimal.
Occurrence type: Collision
A platform delineator, which is a yellow, flexible, plastic post to protect the coupled area of the train, fell over and was struck by a train as it was stopping at Pimisi Station. There was minor damage to the lower train panels.
Occurrence type: Collision
On July 14, during engineering hours on the mainline, a piece of maintenance equipment was being operated at Tunney’s Pasture Station and it contacted wayside infrastructure causing minor damage. There were no injuries and no impacts to service.
Occurrence type: Collision
A platform delineator, which is a yellow, flexible, plastic post to protect the coupled area of the train, fell over and struck a train as it was stopping at Lees Station. There was minor damage to the bottom panel of one of the train’s doors.
Type of incident: Derailment
A piece of maintenance equipment used for working on the overhead catenary system derailed while traveling on the tracks at the maintenance yard. There were no injuries or damage.
Type of incident: Derailment
A piece of maintenance equipment used for working on the overhead catenary system derailed while traveling on the tracks at the maintenance yard. There were no injuries or damage.
Type of incident: Collision
During engineering hours, one maintenance vehicle made contact with a stationary maintenance vehicle while travelling in reverse, east of Rideau Station. There were no injuries. Both vehicles sustained damage.
Type of incident: Collision
During planned maintenance activities on O-Train Line 1, a piece of equipment modified to operate on both conventional roads and on railways was damaged after it lost traction and made contact with another piece of equipment that also sustained damage. There were no injuries and no damage to rail infrastructure.
Occurrence type: Derailment
While performing maintenance on Line 1 between Lyon and Parliament stations outside of regular service hours, the rear wheels of a hi-rail maintenance vehicle (a vehicle modified to operate both on conventional roads and on railways) came off the track. The maintenance vehicle was travelling at low speed, and no damage or injuries occurred.
Occurrence type: Collision
A rail car mover contacted an overhead door inside the Belfast Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility. There were no injuries but there was damage to the door.
Occurrence type: Collision
While performing routine maintenance on O-Train Line 1 outside of revenue service hours, the maintenance team mounted a hi-rail snow blower (a vehicle modified to operate both on conventional roads and on railways) on track 1 between uOttawa and Lees stations. The blower portion of the unit was not mounted properly and slid off the rails shortly after it moved forward. There were no injuries but there was minor damage to the blower unit.