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We’re here to take you there!

Image - We’re here to take you there!

Whether you’re a new or returning customer, find your reason to make transit a part of your routine.

At OC Transpo, we’re here to take you there, conveniently, affordably, sustainably, and with care.

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0:00 OC Transpo bus passes by Bayview Station SFX MUSIC
0:02 Interior of moving of O-Train operator cab with operator
0:03 People wearing soccer clothing boarding a bus
0:05 Interior of moving O-Train, two women looking at a mobile phone
0:06 Interior of moving O-Train, man looking at mobile phone
0:08 Interior of moving OC Transpo bus, woman with groceries
0:09 Interior of moving O-Train, family riding
0:11 Interior of OC Transpo bus, man and woman exit
0:12 Man and woman walking as bus pulls away to reveal patios
Animated Graphic: PATIOS
0:14 Woman walking with groceries
Animated Graphic: GROCERIES
0:15 Man exiting O-Train station downtown
Animated Graphic: WORK
0:17 Family exiting Pimisi Station walking toward Canadian War Museum
Animated Graphic: Attractions
0:18 Two women walking along station platform as O-Train pulls away
Animated Graphic: SHOPPING
0:20 Interior of moving OC Transpo bus, people in soccer gear high-fiving
Animated Graphic: SOCCER
0:21 Family at ByWard Market restaurant SFX MUSIC
Animated Graphic: RESTOS
0:23 Woman in wheelchair being pushed out of Para Transpo bus with groceries on lap
Animated Graphic: PROVISIONS
0:25 Woman walking through Park N Ride toward buses
Animated Graphic: BOULOT
0:26 Family walking toward Canadian Museum of Nature
0:28 Two women exiting Rideau Station
Animated Graphic: BOUTIQUES
0:29 Interior of moving OC Transpo bus with operator
Animated Graphic: WE’RE HERE
0:30 Aerial view of OC Transpo bus crossing Bank St. bridge with Lansdown in background
0:32 Overhead view of Para Transpo bus travelling through neighbourhood
0:33 Time lapse view of Pimisi Station

We’re here to take you there, conveniently.

There have never been more exciting reasons to return to transit — or to try it for the first time! Tap to pay at fare gates, grab a coffee on your way, connect to free Wifi, save with the Family DayPass, and book or track your rides with My Para Transpo.

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0:00  Person walking toward Happy Goat coffee in O-Train underground station    SFX MUSIC 
Narrator: “Stop at a new Happy Goat location” 
0:02  Closer view of person at Happy Goat counter  “in O-Train stations and you’ll likely,” 
0:03  Close up of person using phone app to pay for coffee   “tap to pay.” 
0:05  Person walking to specially marked fare gate     “Now you can do the same” 
0:06  Close up of person using phone app to tap fare gate     “at these Line 1 fare gates” 
0:08  Person walking through open fare gate  “and be on” 
0:09  Person boarding O-Train    “your way.”   
0:10  Drone shot of O-Train passing  “OC Transpo – We’re here to take you there,” 
0:13  OC Transpo logo and  “conveniently.” animation 
0:15  END  

We’re here to take you there, affordably.

Use flexible fare options, free parking at one of our 28 Park & Ride lots, or share your Presto card to help keep your trip affordable, no matter how far you need to go.

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0:00  Interior of moving O-Train, hands holding mobile phone    SFX MUSIC 
Narrator: “You can share” 
0:01  Wider view of man holding mobile phone inside moving O-Train  “your thoughts.” 
0:03  Couple inside moving O-Train taking selfie photo   “You can share.” 
0:04  Wider view of couple taking selfie inside moving O-Train     “your pics.” 
0:05  Woman exiting front door of house, man from O-Train approaching house      “And, you can” 
0:06  Reverse view of man reaching out to hand his Presto card to the woman  “share your Presto card.” 
0:07  Close up of man handing Presto card from woman    “Perfect for”   
0:08  Reverse shot of woman taking Presto card  “today’s hybrid” 
0:09  Wider shot of woman putting Presto card in her purse and proceeding down front steps  “workers.” 
0:10  Drone shot of O-Train Hurdman Station with O-Train and buses  “OC Transpo – We’re here to take you there,” 
0:13  OC Transpo logo and  “affordably.” animation 
0:15  END  

Give your car a break and let us take you there, sustainably.

Whether it’s seamlessly connecting to active transportation networks, or riding our 100% electric buses and O-Train Line 1, OC Transpo has never been a more sustainable choice.

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0:00  Downtown street view of OC Transpo electric bus approaching    SFX MUSIC 
Narrator: “All-new 100% electric-powered” 
0:03  Side view of electric bus passing   “have joined the 100%” 
0:05  Exterior view of O-Train arriving at station   “electric-powered O-Train Line 1 to make” 
0:08  Front view of electric bus approaching     “OC Transpo an even more” 
0:10  Drone view of electric bus passing over Mackenzie King Bridge and Rideau Canal     “sustainable way to go. OC Transpo, we’re” 
0:13  OC Transpo logo and  “to take you there, sustainably.” animation 
0:15  END  

We’re here to take you there, with care.

All members of the OC Transpo team are putting customer service first, with real-time information available across an array of channels and our Red Vest staff onsite in O-Train stations to help you on your way.

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0:00  Customer at O-Train station approaching ticket machine    SFX MUSIC 
Narrator: “At OC Transpo,” 
0:02  Close up of customer at ticket machine screen choosing to video chat with OC Transpo customer service   “we recognize the importance of” 
0:04  Close up profile of OC Transpo customer service rep responding to customer via video chat  “real-time”   
0:05  Close up of customer service rep on ticket machine screen interacting with customer     “customer communications.” 
0:06  Overhead shot of customer service rep in office       
0:08  Interior view of OC Transpo Transit Operations Control Centre; OC Transpo social media manager at desk  “That’s why we moved our social media team” 
0:09  Close up of social media screen showing alerts  ‘into our Transit Operations Control Centre” 
0:10   Wide shot of operations control centre 
0:11  Another wide view operations control centre and personnel 
0:13  Social media manager interacting with operations control centre personnel  “so they can let customers know about anything” 
0:14   Close up of hand holding a mobile phone displaying OC Transpo social media alerts  “affecting their trip as it happens.” 
0:17  Customer approaches OC Transpo Red Vest in O-Train station  “And why our Rest Vests are on hand” 
0:19  Red Vest directs customer to train platform   “to help customers” 
0:22  Red Vest watches customer walk toward escalator  “on their way.” 
0:23  Customer inside moving O-Train  “OC Transpo.” 
0:25   Drone view of O-Train and buses at Bayview Station  “We’re here to take you there,” 
0:28  OC Transpo logo animation   “with care.” 
0:30  End 

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Affordability & sustainability
Battery-electric buses

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