Transit Commission and Light Rail Sub-Committee receives updates on O-Train extensions

On May 31, we provided a progress update on all three O-Train extensions and an overview of efforts underway to improve service reliability of O-Train Line 1 to a joint meeting of the Transit Commission and Light Rail Sub-Committee.
If you didn’t get a chance to tune in, The Next Stop Blog is here to bring you up to speed on progress being made to expand the O-Train System, efforts to improve Line 1 reliability, and other important transit news.
O-Train East extension
Montreal Station
Progress on the O-Train East extension continues to be impressive, with construction advancing on all five transit stations. Through the rest of the year, roadwork to complete final works on Highway 174 will continue requiring intermittent closures.
Residents in the east-end are also going to see a lot more trains running along the track as testing will expand over the course of the year. Testing has also begun of the Overhead Catenary System (OCS), power and train control equipment near Montréal Station.
O-Train West extension
Parkway Tunnel
In the west, track installation and station construction continues to progress. The cut and cover tunnels are moving forward with structure work mostly complete, and preparations are now underway for installing track in the tunnels at Connaught Park and Byron Linear Park. This summer, the Pinecrest Stormwater Management Pond will open. This new facility will help manage stormwater in the community and mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff to the Ottawa River.
Iris Station works continue to progress.
O-Train South extension
Uplands Station
On the O-Train South extension, the focus remains on testing the new system and training OC Transpo operations staff.
Over the next several months, testing will continue with trains running on O-Train lines 2 and 4 at final service levels for several weeks. This period of operation offers the chance to demonstrate that the overall system is reliable and prepare it to open to the public.
Trial running will occur in this period During the trial running phase, we will provide daily progress updates to Council.
O-Train Line 1 long-term sustainability and improved service reliability
Staff and representatives from Rideau Transit Group provided an overview of expert reports on additional corrective actions to Line 1 trains and infrastructure. Short-term closures of Line 1 will be required in October to make some of these corrective actions, such as rail grinding and ballast stabilization. Customers will receive more details on transit services before the work occurs. These measures contribute to the long-term sustainability and improved service reliability on O-Train Line 1.
The Committees also received an update on the vehicle and track infrastructure work underway since last October to improve Line 1 service reliability and sustainability. This work includes restraining rail gap management, rail flange lubrication, top of rail friction modifiers, and implementation of nut-pinning enhancements to the wheel hub assembly.
To learn more, read our Cartridge Bearing Assembly Report or watch the presentation.
OC Transpo hosts a successful job fair
Employees from Transit Maintenance were on hand to speak with interested candidates who attended this year’s job fair at Greenboro station Park & Ride on May 25.
Members of the joint meeting also heard about the success of OC Transpo’s second annual Transit Job Fair that was held at Greenboro Station Park & Ride on May 25. More than 325 people attended the job fair inquiring about job opportunities with OC Transpo.
Representatives from our recruitment team and employee groups were available to showcase the many roles at OC Transpo and speak with interested candidates. If you or someone you know is interested in working with OC Transpo, we’re hiring!
Thank you for riding with us during Ottawa Race Weekend
OC Owl joined other mascots at Ottawa Race Weekend.
Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend is the biggest multi-day race event in Canada drawing in 39,000 out of town visitors and 200,000 spectators. Between May 24 to 26, we saw runners, participants and volunteers taking OC Transpo to various Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend events. On Sunday May 26, O-Train Line 1 started service early at 5 am to help everyone travel to the race.
Congratulations to all the runners who participated and thank you for riding with us to your race.
Ridership update
Members also heard that ridership across the transit system reached 5.9 million customer-trips in April 2024. In April, O-Train Line 1 service delivery was 98.9 per cent. Conventional bus service delivery in April was 98.8 per cent, which matches the highest number reported over the past year. Para Transpo ridership in April reached 71,700 total customer-trips.
What to expect next
The June Transit Commission meeting is scheduled for June 13.
To find out more information about our latest update, you can watch the presentation here or read the reports discussed here.