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Sign up for Para Transpo trip notifications

Image - Sign up for Para Transpo trip notifications

Notifications for upcoming Para Transpo trips are now available by email, SMS text* or automated voice call.

Sign up for notifications in My Para Transpo or by calling OC Transpo Customer Service (613-560-5000). You can choose how you would like to receive notifications and which type of notifications you would like to receive. Your options are:

Next day trip reminder: A notification is sent one day in advance of your trip.

Vehicle nearby: A notification is sent 15 minutes in advance of the estimated vehicle arrival time.

Vehicle arrived: A notification is sent when the vehicle has arrived at your pickup location.

Missed connection: A notification is sent if the vehicle has left after waiting five minutes without connecting with you.

How to sign up for notifications in My Para Transpo

After logging in to your My Para Transpo account, click on Notifications in the left side menu.
A screen shot of the My Para Transpo menu, with the Notifications link between My Profile and Logout
Choose the type of notifications you'd like to receive.
To sign up for SMS notifications, you'll need to submit your phone number by clicking on the Address and Text Phone Number Change Request Form linked in the text.
A screen shot of the link to the form to change your address or phone number
When you click the link, a form will open. Enter your phone number and click Submit.

This improvement is part of our commitment to enhancing Para Transpo by delivering customer-focused services and improving our communications, as outlined in the Transit Services Five-Year Roadmap. It was developed in consultation with Para Transpo customers, including the Para Transpo Customer Service Working Group. We will continue to engage with Para Transpo customers as we continue to improve our service.

*Standard mobile rates apply.