September 29 Light Rail Sub-Committee Update

On September 29, the Light Rail Sub-Committee received a progress update on all three O-Train Extension projects.
You can watch the presentation here, view the latest construction progress video on O-Train East and West extensions or check out our summary below:
O-Train East Extension
Progress is being made with rail and overhead catenary system (OCS) installation and station construction advancing well. Work continues on the Trim Park & Ride and on all three pedestrian bridges.

Pictured above: Station construction and rail installation continues to advance on the O-Train East Extension.
Click the image above for a closer look.
O-Train West Extension
Rail installation at the Corkstown Yard (formerly called the Moodie Light Maintenance and Storage Facility) on the O-Train West Line has begun. The Cut and Cover tunnels continue to advance with excavation nearing completion, ongoing concrete pours for the walls and roof, and backfilling underway in some areas.

Pictured above: Rail installation at the Corkstown Light Maintenance Facility.
Click the image above for a closer look.

Pictured above: Backfilling takes place on a section of the Parkway Tunnel between Kìchì Sìbì and Sherbourne stations.
Click the image above for a closer look.
O-Train South Extension
In the south, final touches are being made at stations. Testing and commissioning has ramped up on both line 2 and 4 with vehicles running from Bayview to Limebank and South Keys to the Airport. Be sure to keep an eye out to see our longer trains!

Pictured above: Train testing at South Keys Station.
Click the image above for a closer look.
Line 2 and Line 4 Handover Process
Once construction in the south is complete, final testing and commissioning will take place and the project will be handed over to the City of Ottawa. OC Transpo will then take over Lines 2 and 4 and take additional time for training and to prepare for launch and bus service changes as required. This will include additional testing and dress rehearsals.
To find out more about the many steps to prepare for launch, watch our update here.

Pictured above: A Stadler FLIRT train at Corso Italia Station.
Click the image above for a closer look.
Stay informed of progress by visiting the Stage 2 website, following OC Transpo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and signing up for the LRT newsletter.
The next update to the Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee will be in October.