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Scan your transfer when you board the bus, and more!

Image - Scan your transfer when you board the bus, and more!

You may have noticed new fare readers on buses and at O-Train Line 1 fare gates recently. These fare readers have upgraded capabilities that allow more kinds of fares to be tapped and scanned.

Here are what these readers can do:

Scan barcoded fares

The fare readers on buses now have a barcode scanner located at the bottom of the reader.

What this means for you: Scan your transfer, single DayPass or single ride ticket instead of showing it to the operator when you board.

To scan, hold your fare around 5 cm away from the scanner. You should see a red light line up with the barcode. It may take a few tries to get the hang of where to hold your fare.

Tap your Senior Presto card any day of the week

The fare readers on buses and at O-Train Line 1 fare gates are programmed to recognize a Senior discount loaded on a Presto card and will not charge on Wednesdays of Sundays.

What this means for you: No need to remember which days to tap! As long as your Presto card is set with a Senior discount, you can tap it any day of the week. Your card will not be charged on the days that Seniors ride free (Wednesdays and Sundays).

Tap your multi-day pass or c-card

The fare readers can read 3, 5, and 7 day passes sold at ticket machines and OC Transpo smartcards including c-cards (child cards).

What this means for you: Tap your multi-day pass or c-card on the fare reader instead of showing it to the operator when you board.

Try it out next time you ride! Remember, only tap the card you wish to use. Take your card out of your wallet or bag to avoid card reader errors.

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00:00 – 00:04

Want to scan your transfer or other barcoded fare?

Here’s how!

OC Transpo logo

Calm, upbeat music plays. Red text appears on a white background. It says” Want to scan your transfer or other barcoded fare? Here’s how!”

The OC Transpo logo appears in red underneath the text.

00:05 – 00:09

The scanner is located at the bottom of the fare reader.

The screen transitions to a photo of a fare reader just inside the door of a bus. A light-skinned hand wearing a puffy jacket holds a paper transfer approximately 5 cm under the barcode scanner on the fare reader.

Text on screen reads “The scanner is located at the bottom of the fare reader”. A white animated arrow indicates the location of the scanner.

00:10 – 00:13

Hold your transfer about 5 cm away from the scanner.

The screen transitions to a video clip of the same hand holding the paper transfer underneath the scanner. The reader blinks green when the barcode is scanned. Text on screen reads “Hold your transfer about 5 cm away from the scanner.”

00:14 – 00:16

You’ll hear a beep when it’s accepted.

The camera angle changes to the opposite side and shows the same hand positioning the transfer under the fare reader. The fare reader blinks green and beeps when the barcode is scanned. Text on screen reads “You’ll hear a beep when it’s accepted.”

00:16 – 00:21

The screen fades to red. Th OC Transpo logo appears in white. “” is written below the logo.