Jan 30: Ongoing O-Train Lines 2 and 4 Phased Opening

To |
Mayor and Members of Council |
From |
Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services |
Subject |
Ongoing O-Train Lines 2 and 4 Phased Opening |
Date |
January 30, 2025 |
The purpose of this memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the phased opening of O-Train Lines 2 and 4. OC Transpo is following a “soft” or phased approach on the opening of Lines 2 and 4, which allows for careful evaluation of all system elements before expanding to additional service days and time to complete work and address any issues that arise or were not required for the start of service. On January 6, the first phase of the opening began when Lines 2 and 4 opened to customers on weekdays. After careful review, service was expanded to include Saturdays on January 25.
On the first Saturday of service, the system performed as planned and OC Transpo was pleased to see new customers trying the train service, including families headed to the Rideau Canal. This continues to build on the positive customer usage we are seeing on weekdays.
OC Transpo is encouraged by the system’s overall progress and its demonstrated reliability during the past few weeks. OC Transpo is carefully evaluating all system elements as part of the phased opening, with a focus on those elements that were identified prior to revenue service as requiring additional work. As part of this assessment, B2 bus service is also being monitored, and service frequency will be adjusted as customer volumes drop and passengers transition to Lines 2 and 4.
At this time, some work is still required before moving to seven-day service as the next phase of the opening. This work includes upgrades to customer information systems, including the next departure and next stop displays, continuing to close out remaining minor works, expanding and adjusting vehicle monitoring and safety equipment, and advancing training activities to stabilize operator resource availability. In order to further advance these activities, six-day service will continue on Lines 2 and 4 for the time being.
A full update on the phased opening, progress on minor works and maintenance activities will be provided at the Transit Committee meeting on February 13.
Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 52111.
Renée Amilcar,
General Manager, Transit Services
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General