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October 3: Trial Running Starting for O-Train Lines 2 and 4

Image - October 3: Trial Running Starting for O-Train Lines 2 and 4

Date: October 3, 2024

To:  Mayor and Members of CouncilChair and Members of the Light Rail Sub-Committee

From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that Trial Running for the O-Train South Extension, Lines 2 and 4, will start on Monday, October 7, 2024. The information below is a summary of the information provided earlier today at the technical briefing hosted for the Mayor and Members of Council.

A comprehensive assessment by City staff and independent third party experts has determined that TransitNext has successfully completed all the prerequisites to commence trial running. This significant milestone includes the completion of train system integration and practice running to grow system reliability; completion of station construction; the training of rail operations staff; and demonstrated performance by the maintainer.

The objective of trial running is to demonstrate that all elements of the system are ready for revenue service. This will be confirmed by thoroughly testing the integrated system infrastructure, its subsystems, operating personnel, and corresponding maintenance and operating procedures. Trial running represents the culmination of months of practice running and testing and provides an essential "final exam" for TransitNext to clearly demonstrate the readiness of the system to proceed to revenue service.

The trial running period consists of two phases carried out over a minimum of 21 days. The process and standards incorporate industry best practices, recommendations from the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry report and lessons learned from the opening of Line 1.

Phase 1: Simulated Passenger Service (minimum 14 days):

During the first phase of trial running, full service will operate on the O-Train South Extension for a minimum of 14 days simulating the conditions of normal passenger service. The performance criteria that must be met for successful completion is based on an average of daily on-time performance.

To be successful, TransitNext must maintain a minimum on-time performance of 98.5 per cent over a 14-day rolling average. The on-time performance is based on a train departing the terminus stations no later than 30 seconds after its scheduled departure time, while respecting the required dwell times. For Line 2, this means Bayview and Limebank stations and for Line 4 this means South Keys and Airport stations. The overall on-time performance of 98.5 per cent will be calculated using a 14-day rolling average of the on-time performance achieved each day.

The number of days required for simulated passenger service can be extended until the minimum on-time performance of 98.5 per cent over a 14-day rolling average is met. Should issues arise that impact daily performance, a determination will be made, validated by the Independent Certifier, assigning either a Non-Project-Co Cause (City) or a Project Co Cause (TransitNext), in accordance with the parameters established in the Project Agreement. This may result in a determination that a specific delay event will be removed from the assessment of TransitNext’s daily performance score.

Phase 2: Daily Operational and Maintenance Scenario Evaluations (7 days)

The objective of the second phase of trial running is for the operations and maintenance teams to work through various scenarios that could occur during regular service. This includes door issues, stopped trains, service on only one platform and track, the changing of trains, and other items. It does not include a scoring component. This will allow the maintainer and operations staff time to further test and assess operating procedures, identify potential gaps and validate the technical system to be ready to launch the rail line for customer service. This phase will last seven days following the last day of the 14-day on-time performance demonstration.

Independent Trial Running Review and Information Sharing

Throughout this process, the Independent Certifier, AW Hooker, will validate the daily on-time performance reporting. Additionally, the System Integration Verifier, Ricardo Rail, will monitor the progress of the trial running and assist in the determination of causes of late or missed departures.

During the trial running period, Council will receive reports Monday through Friday summarizing the results of the previous day's operations, with reports on Mondays covering the results of the weekend. The first daily report will be provided on Tuesday, October 8, reporting on the previous day’s performance. These reports will also be accessible to the public on A copy of the presentation provided at the technical briefing, the daily reporting template, and a councillor kit which includes additional supporting documents are attached to this memo. OC Transpo staff will also hold media availabilities each weekday to review the performance report.

Following the successful completion of the trial running phase, Council will receive a full report and briefing on the results. The project will then move towards substantial completion, final readiness work, and regulatory approvals. This process will take a minimum of three weeks, and this milestone will signify that all infrastructure components, regulatory approvals, safety certifications, and trial running requirements have been met. Once these contractual and regulatory requirements have been completed, the City will be in a position to move forward with the launch of service to the public.

Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact Richard Holder, Director, Rail Construction Program.

Original signed by Renée Amilcar
General Manager Transit Services

cc:                 Senior Leadership Team

Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations

Director, Public Information and Media Relations

Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General