Oct. 9: O-Train South Extension Trial Running Daily Performance Report

Date: October 9, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Richard Holder, Director Rail Construction Program, Transit Services Department
The purpose of this memo is to provide Mayor and Members of Council with the O-Train South Extension Lines 2 and 4 Trial Running daily performance summary
Currently, the simulated passenger service phase of Trial Running is ongoing and successful completion requires a 14-day rolling average of 98.5 per cent for on-time performance.
For further details on the requirements and make up of trial running please refer to the memo released on October 3, number 20-2024
Day | Date | Daily TransitNext performance (%) |
Issues identified | 14-Day rolling average | Minimum days to achieve 98.5% 14-day rolling average |
Day 1 | October 7 | 98.3% | Vehicle | 98.3% | 13 days |
Day 2 | October 8 | 99.4% | Vehicle | 98.9% | 12 days |
Following the successful completion of the on-time performance demonstration of Trial Running, OC Transpo will test various operational and maintenance scenarios for seven days.
The terms of reference provide additional information on the performance metrics found in this daily performance summary.
Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to me at extension 52033.
Original signed by,
Richard Holder
Director, Rail Construction Program Transit Services
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director
Public Information and Media Relations
Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General