Oct. 29: O-Train Line 1 – Ongoing Works in St-Laurent Station Tunnel

Date: October 23, 2024
To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: General Manager
Transit Services Department
This memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the St- Laurent tunnel and O-Train Line 1 service.
OC Transpo and Infrastructure and Water Services Department (IWSD) are working quickly to respond to the area of concern identified on the south side of the tunnel during the ongoing Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM) inspection of the aging structure. A contractor has been retained to further inspect the area of concern and determine if mitigation measures may be required to resume full, safe Line 1 service.
The contractor will begin their work after 9am, which will require the suspension of Line 1 service in both directions in the tunnel and east end of the line. Trains will not be able to operate safely on the opposite track while equipment and personnel are working in the area.
This means after 9am, customers can expect:
- Line 1 service will continue to operate between Tunney’s Pasture and Tremblay stations approximately every five minutes
- R1 bus service will operate between Hurdman and Blair stations
- R1 shuttle buses will operate between St-Laurent and Cyrville stations
Once the contractor has assessed the area over the tracks, an update on any required work or mitigation measures as well as an estimated timeline for the resumption of full Line 1 service will be shared, in advance of the afternoon peak period.
OC Transpo thanks customers for their patience as we work to ensure the ongoing safe operations of the O-Train.
Regular updates are being provided to transit customers through various communications channels, including customer alerts, octranspo.com, social media, and signage at Line 1 stations. Customers can use the Transit App or call 613-560-5000 for assistance to plan trips in advance.
If you have any questions, please contact Troy Charter, Director, Service Delivery and Rail Operations, at 613-580-2424 ext. 52160 or me at ext. 52111.
Original signed by
Renée Amilcar
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations