Nov. 26: TransitNext achieves Substantial Completion

To: Mayor and Members of Council
From: Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services
The purpose of this memo is to advise the Mayor and Members of Council that TransitNext has achieved Substantial Completion on the Stage 2 O-Train South Extension, Lines 2 and 4 (formerly the Trillium Line).
Further to the information shared last week and following a thorough and deliberate review process, the Independent Certifier issued a Substantial Completion Certificate on November 26. This milestone confirms that the Substantial Completion requirements, outlined in the Project Agreement, have been met.
The City is now focused on the process and remaining activities to achieve revenue service. Lines 2 and 4 are federally regulated and require regulatory reviews and two certificates. This work has been ongoing, and the City is seeking a Certificate of Fitness from the Canadian Transportation Agency and confirmation of the notice of change in operations for the Railway Operating Certificate from Transport Canada. Both are required before the system can open to the public.
In preparation for revenue service, OC Transpo has also started final readiness activities. This work will help ensure that the system and staff are ready to welcome customers, and includes:
- Additional drills and scenarios in preparation for regular service
- Multi-stakeholder emergency exercises, including an integrated full-scale exercise with emergency personnel
- Winter readiness drills and planning
- Continued training and development activities for Diesel Rail Operators
- A dress rehearsal of the full revenue service system function
As part of this process, TransitNext must submit the Final Safety Case and the Final Report from the Independent Safety Assessor. The City’s Independent Safety Auditor will then provide a statement indicating there are no objections to the commencement of passenger service.
OC Transpo will hold a dress rehearsal on November 30 with staff and their families to test the operations of Lines 2 and 4 as a simulation of in-service conditions. This will provide lessons learned to enhance operating procedures and training. OC Transpo will hold a technical briefing on December 6 for members of Council to provide additional details on the progress towards revenue service on Lines 2 and 4.
Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 52111.
Original signed by
Renée Amilcar
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team
Director, Public Information and Media Relations