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March 17 Transit Committee Update

Image - March 17 Transit Committee Update

On March 17, we provided Transit Committee with an update on the progress of the O-Train East and West Extensions, preparations for the launch of New Ways to Bus,  and an update on fare compliance  initiatives.

If you didn’t get a chance to tune in The Next Stop Blog has you covered.

Celebrating Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day

Every day OC Transpo operators and transit employees work hard to get you to where you are going.

March 18 marks Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day, and more than 3,000 OC Transpo employees were applauded by Transit Commission for their hard work. This is an annual opportunity to celebrate and thank Canada’s transit workers for their dedication to move people safely around our cities.

OC Transpo employees were recognized at the March 17 Transit Committee meeting for Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day

OC Transpo employees were recognized at the March 17 Transit Committee meeting for Transit Operator and Worker Appreciation Day

Watch the video here.

Update on Stage 2 O-Train East and West Extensions

The O-Train East Extension will add 12.5 kilometres of rail and five brand new stations to the O-Train network. System testing is ongoing between Blair and Trim stations, operator training is underway, and the final construction touches are being made to stations.

As construction wraps up, the focus will shift to achieving substantial completion, performing trial running, achieving safety approvals and preparing for passenger service.

The O-Train West extension will add 15 kilometres of rail and 11 new stations to the O-Train network.

Construction, track installation and the installation of the overhead catenary system which powers the trains are progressing.

Later this spring, we’re anticipating train testing to begin on a section of track near the Corkstown Yard Light Maintenance and Storage Facility.

To stay up to date on progress, visit project website.

New Ways to Bus

Big changes to our bus network are coming on April 27 when we launch New Ways to Bus.

We provided an overview on how our new bus network will focus on frequency, local neighbourhood service, connections to O-Train Lines 1 and 2, and key destinations. New Ways to Bus will significantly change the bus network, with over 100 routes changing.

It’s a big step towards meeting our service reliability target of 99.5 per cent. More information, including the New Ways to Bus Travel Planner, is available on

Customer Benchmarking Surveys

An update was provided on 2024 customer survey results, which showed improvements compared to 2023.

Customer surveys, conducted by the Transport Strategy Centre of Imperial College, took place between April and May 2024. The goal of the survey was to identify the areas where improvements have been made and where OC Transpo can continue to improve.

Overall, increased ratings were seen in all areas and staff have identified several areas of focus where improvements can be made.

Ongoing Fare Compliance Initiatives

An update was provided on our Fare Enforcement initiative.

Fare compliance is an element that contributes to revenue stability, the integrity of the fare system, and equity among riders. Transit Fare Enforcement Officers act as ambassadors for fare compliance, providing information and education to customers using the transit network and support overall safety.

In 2024, 4,309 citations and 89 warnings were issued to customers. The fare compliance initiative will continue this year.

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