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July 19-22 - Champlain Street at Highway 174 Interchange - Weekend Full Closure

As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, a section of Champlain Street at the Highway 174 interchange will be fully closed. Motorists travelling Highway 174 as well as residents whose homes are near Champlain Street should anticipate mobility impacts as crews work on a utility crossing.

Full closure of Champlain Street at the Highway 174 interchange. The following ramps will also be closed:

  • Highway 174 westbound off-ramp
  • Highway 174 westbound on-ramp from northbound Champlain Street
  • Highway 174 westbound on-ramp from southbound Champlain Street
  • When:         
    Friday, July 19 at 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. on Monday, July 22.    
  • Why:         
    Utility crossing on Champlain Street.
  • Where:        
    Champlain Street at the Highway 174 interchange.

The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Motorists travelling westbound on Highway 174 to Champlain Street will need to exit at Tenth Line Road and travel west on Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard to reach Champlain Street north of Highway 174 and travel west on St. Joseph Boulevard to reach Place d’Orléans Drive south of Highway 174.

Local traffic will travel west on Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard or west on St. Joseph Boulevard to merge on to Highway 174 westbound at the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard interchange.

Local traffic will use Orléans Boulevard or Tenth Line Road to access areas north and south of the Champlain Street closure.

Une carte grise avec l'autoroute en jaune. La zone de travaux sur Champlain est représentée par une boîte hachurée en orange. Les fermetures de bretelles énumérées ci-dessus sont indiquées en rouge.

Anticipated Impacts

Motorists should adhere to detours, traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.

Pedestrians and cyclists should use extra caution and adhere to posted signage when localized detours are in-place, to ensure safety.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. If you require special accommodation due to this work, please contact

The safety of the public and workers is paramount. Thank you for your patience during construction.

Please note:  For your awareness, the following link should be used to view updates or changes to traffic impacts (this link is updated on Fridays by 12 noon).

To receive electronic updates please sign up at and select updates for “Place d’Orléans Station”. For other accommodations, or questions, please contact:

Stage 2 Team
Rail Construction Program | Programme de construction du train léger
Transit Services Department | Direction générale des transports

City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa | Extension de l'O-Train | OC Transpo