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Jan. 2: System Preparations Completed for O-Train Lines 2 and 4

Image - Jan. 2: System Preparations Completed for O-Train Lines 2 and 4


Mayor and Members of Council

Chair and Members of the Light Rail Sub- Committee


Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services


System Preparations Completed for O-Train Lines 2 and 4

Date January, 2025

The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of Council that system preparation activities on O-Train Lines 2 and 4 have now been completed. Lines 2 and 4 will open in three phases starting January 6.

System Preparations:

This diagram represents a project timeline for the opening of Lines 2 and 4. Each step is visualized as a circle or diamond, showing progress milestones.

Staff have now completed hundreds of drills, practiced diversion scenarios and refined standard operating procedures. This increased familiarization and knowledge of the system will help us respond quickly and efficiently to disruptions when they occur and minimize potential delays to customers.

Earlier this week, further testing was conducted on the latest software update to the Passenger Information Displays (PIDs). Staff will continue to monitor PID performance and may implement additional refinements in the coming months if required.  

The sensor replacement on elevators in Lines 2 and 4 stations is now complete and will help increase the reliability of elevators.

All items under system preparations are progressing well and will be completed this week. This marks the completion of all necessary construction works prior to revenue service. Some minor activities will be completed in the coming months, like tree planting and landscaping.

Safety Oversight and Regulatory Reviews

OC Transpo is finalizing the required safety oversight elements and regulatory certificates needed for revenue service. As outlined in Memo 50-2024, OC Transpo obtained the two regulatory certificates that are required for passenger service. OC Transpo is now in receipt of TransitNext’s final Safety Case report. This Safety Case is currently being reviewed by OC Transpo and the City’s Independent Safety Auditor. Reviews are expected to be completed in the coming days. The timing of this last review is normal, as the Safety Case is meant to reflect the most current information prior to the system entering revenue service.

Opening of Lines 2 and 4

With system preparations finishing this week and safety and regulatory reviews being finalized, Lines 2 and 4 will open for customers in phases starting on January 6. For customers this means that for a minimum of two weeks:

  • Service on Lines 2 and 4 will operate Monday to Friday starting at 6 am until 12 am.
  • Customers will continue to have the support of parallel bus service through existing bus routes B2 (formerly called Line 2 buses), 99 and 97 from Monday to Sunday.
  • OC Transpo staff will be at key stations to welcome customers and to support them during their trips.

Customers are encouraged to use the Transit App and Travel Planner to plan their trips. OC Transpo will share updates through all our communication channels including social media,, and the new transit information screens at stations.

Once Lines 2 and 4 have demonstrated consistent service delivery, service will gradually expand to six-day service from Monday to Saturday for a minimum of two weeks, and then gradually expand to seven-day service. Further information on the phased opening of Lines 2 and 4 is available in Memo 50-2024.

During the first week of opening to customers regular emails will be sent to Mayor and Members of Council on Lines 2 and 4 service delivery. Virtual media availabilities will also be hosted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to keep media and the public informed.

Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Original signed by,

Renée Amilcar,
General Manager, Transit Services

cc:                Senior Leadership Team

Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations

Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General