Driving Diversity: EmpoWered@theWheel

At OC Transpo, we understand that a diverse workforce not only strengthens our organization, but also enriches the communities we serve. Recognizing the importance of gender diversity, we are committed to increasing the representation of women among our bus operators, maintenance workers, and support staff. By breaking down barriers, both as an organization, and as individuals, we aim to create workplaces that are inclusive, welcoming, and conducive to growth.
As part of our 5-year roadmap, OC Transpo is focused on creating a workforce that is more representative of the city we serve and is working to create an inclusive environment that provides equal opportunities for individuals from underrepresented groups. To help achieve this, we launched EmpoWered@theWheel – a women’s recruitment program created to further our commitment towards gender diversity at OC Transpo.
What is EmpoWered@theWheel?
EmpoWered@theWheel is a recruitment initiative designed to attract, hire, and train women at OC Transpo, with a focus on bus operators. Through partnerships with women's organizations across Ottawa, participation in career fairs and hosting dedicated events and information sessions, we provide women with insight into the role of a Bus Operator. These events offer opportunities for attendees to engage with our female workforce, grasp insight into job requirements, career progression, benefits, and gain a genuine understanding of what it's like being a woman working in the transit industry.
Why is it important to have more women in transit?
Our primary focus is to increase the representation of women in the Bus Operator field, aligning our workforce with the demographics of Ottawa. Currently, only 8.33% of our bus operators identify as women, despite women comprising approximately 51.2% of the city's population. We aim to create an environment where women feel valued, respected, and secure in their careers.
Benefits of having women bus operators:
- Diversity and inclusivity: This can help to create a more balanced and representative workforce that reflects the communities they serve.
- Expanded talent pool: This can lead to a wider range of skills, experiences, and perspectives among bus operators, ultimately benefiting the organization.
- Role modelling: Hiring more women bus operators can serve as a positive role model for young girls and women, showing them that they can pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields.