Dec. 6: O-Train Lines 2 and 4 Phased Opening begins January 6

Trial Running and Substantial Completion
As outlined in Memo 48-2024, TransitNext completed Trial Running on October 27 by achieving 99.5 per cent on-time performance over 14 days. On November 14, TransitNext submitted a Substantial Completion Notice to the City. The City reviewed the submission and provided its assessment to the Independent Certifier. The Independent Certifier reviewed TransitNext’s submission and the City’s assessment and issued the Substantial Completion Certificate on November 26. This milestone marks the completion of all major project elements with only some minor outstanding works remaining, which do not affect the City’s ability to operate the system safely. These works are expected to be completed in the coming months.
Additional information on the Substantial Completion process can found on Memo 51-2024 and Memo 53-2024.
Safety Oversight and Regulatory Reviews
OC Transpo has been working to advance the required safety oversight elements and regulatory certificates needed for Revenue Service. There are two key safety oversight elements that TransitNext must provide. The first was the submission of the Safety Case by TransitNext. The second is the receipt of the final report and review of the TransitNext Safety Case by the City’s Independent Safety Auditor. This is a requirement for the the start of Revenue Service.
Lines 2 and 4 are federally regulated and OC Transpo has now obtained the two regulatory certificates that are required for passenger service. They include the Certification of Fitness by the Canadian Transportation Agency and the Railway Operating Certificate by Transport Canada.
System PreparationsIn anticipation of Revenue Service, OC Transpo has started readiness preparations. This included a dress rehearsal on November 30 with over 500 volunteers which allowed OC Transpo staff to practice different scenarios that are likely to occur during service. OC Transpo also completed an integrated full-scale exercise with emergency personnel, allowing first responders to increase their familiarity with the system.
Over the coming weeks, system preparations will include:
- Additional drills to practice scenarios employees will face during regular service
- Continuing station familiarization tours for OC Transpo personnel
- Continued training and development activities for Diesel Rail Operators
- Ongoing operation of the line exercising all aspects of daily service, including launch and reduction of trains, maintenance of vehicles and related infrastructure
- Customer familiarization tours for key stakeholders to support their use of the new lines
In addition to the above, staff will be hosting a familiarization tour of Lines 2 and 4 for members of Council and the media on December 16. A separate invitation will be provided for this activity.
OC Transpo is also taking full advantage of the winter weather and will continue to practice under inclement conditions. This allows Diesel Rail Operators that graduated since last winter to increase their familiarization with winter operations and allows the monitoring of system and infrastructure performance under winter and inclement weather conditions.
During this time, OC Transpo and TransitNext are also working collaboratively on further improvements to the stability of various system functions. This includes building the reliability of the Passenger Information Displays, the replacement of defective sensor in elevators and other minor works.
Opening of Lines 2 & 4
O-Train Lines 2 and 4 will open in three phases starting January 6. The first phase will offer five-day service, from Monday to Friday for a minimum of two weeks. The second phase will offer six-day service, from Monday to Saturday, for a minimum of two weeks and the third phase will offer 7-day service. Overall performance will be monitored and assessed during each phase and expanding service will only occur when the system consistently demonstrates safe and reliable performance. This phased opening was informed by the Public Inquiry report, lessons learned, and third-party recommendations.
Launching a major new system change in winter is not a common practice in the transit industry as the weather adds extra complexity for operations teams when addressing issues with service and for customers. The phased opening of O-Train Lines 2 and 4 will assist staff to better prepare and manage any service disruptions and allow customers time to build familiarity with their new trips.
Customers will continue to have the support of parallel bus service through existing bus routes B2 (formerly called Line 2 buses), 99 and 97 while they become familiar with their new trips using Lines 2 and 4. Providing parallel bus service also aligns with the Public Inquiry recommendations. Further changes to bus routes will be made in Spring 2025, when the New Ways to Bus network is implemented.
Phase |
Timeline |
Train Service |
Parallel Bus Service |
Phase 1 |
Jan 6 |
5 days (Monday – Friday) |
7 days |
Phase 2 |
Minimum of two weeks after launch |
6 days (Monday – Saturday) |
7 days |
Phase 3 |
Minimum of two weeks after 6-day service starts |
7 days |
7 days |
OC Transpo staff will be present at key stations and updates will be shared across multiple platforms including, and social media, to support customers during this phased opening. This is in addition to the ongoing marketing campaign that will encourage customers to try the new Lines 2 and 4.
Updates will continue to be shared with Members of Council and customers as more information becomes available. Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 52111.
Original signed by, Renée Amilcar
General Manager Transit Services
cc: Senior Leadership Team
Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team Director, Public Information and Media Relations Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General