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Dec. 27, 2024: Status Update on System Preparations for O-Train Lines 2 and 4

Image - Dec. 27, 2024: Status Update on System Preparations for O-Train Lines 2 and 4


Mayor and Members of Council

Chair and Members of the Light Rail Sub- Committee


Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services


Status Update on System Preparations for O-Train

Lines 2 and 4

Date December 27, 2024

The purpose of this memo is to provide the Mayor and Members of Council with an update on the system preparation activities underway on O-Train Lines 2 and 4 from December 20 to December

26. As outlined in Memo 50-2024, OC Transpo is currently conducting system preparations before the system opens in phases beginning on January 6, 2025.

Operations Update:

OC Transpo and TransitNext continue to operate all aspects of daily service, including launch and reduction of trains, maintenance of vehicles and related infrastructure. During Monday's winter storm, switches and related infrastructure functioned as expected. Staff continued to conduct drills, practice diversion scenarios and refine standard operating procedures, particularly for winter weather conditions.

Timetables for Saturday and Sunday service have been validated. Minor refinements to the timetable may continue based on staff’s feedback and will continue when in revenue service as we adjust based on experience, including customer travel patterns.

Station and system familiarization tours for community groups concluded last week. They were well received and the feedback captured is being reviewed.

System and Infrastructure Update:

TransitNext and OC Transpo continue to increase the reliability of the Passenger Information Displays through additional software updates and testing. Testing is expected to conclude this week for the latest software updates. Minor adjustments may be made to this system to ensure ongoing stability and reliability.

TransitNext will continue to work on replacing a sensor on some elevators over the next two weeks to increase reliability of elevators across Lines 2 and 4.

Next Steps:

Next week, the following activities are planned:

  • Ongoing operation of Lines 2 and 4 to exercise all aspects of daily service, including launch and reduction of trains, maintenance of vehicles and related infrastructure. Service will continue to operate next week with a normal weekday schedule.
  • Ongoing diversion practice and assessment
  • Ongoing training and certification of operators
  • Ongoing practice and troubleshooting drills with operators
  • Ongoing oversight of TransitNext’s winter maintenance processes and procedures

Overall, system preparations are progressing as planned and weekly updates to Council will continue to be shared. Should you have any questions about the information provided in this memo, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 52111.

Original signed by, Renée Amilcar

General ManagerTransit Services

cc:                    Senior Leadership Team

Transit Services Departmental Leadership Team

Director, Public Information and Media Relations

Nathalie Gougeon, Auditor General