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CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Jeanne d’Arc overpass at R.R. 174 - long-term lane closures for bridge rehabilitation

As part of the Stage 2 O-Train Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard overpass bridge at Highway 174 will be undergoing rehabilitation work and will be widened to construct new sidewalks and a multi-use pathway (MUP) to the new O-Train station. Motorists travelling on Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard at Highway 174 should anticipate long-term impacts to traffic as crews complete necessary construction activities.


Lane reductions on the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard overpass at Highway 174. One lane will remain open in each direction. Alternate traffic arrangements may be considered if queuing causes traffic issues on surrounding roadways.

At least one sidewalk will be open to allow safe pedestrian movements over the bridge throughout the construction.

During the construction period, approximately ten major weekend closures of Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard at Highway 174 and associated ramps will be required to rehabilitate the bridge and ramps. Notice will be provided in advance of this work taking place.

Periodic overnight highway and road closures for bridge work will be required.


Monday, September 25, 2023, to Spring 2025.


Bridge rehabilitation work is required to accommodate the new design of the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard overpass at Highway 174. The new design will have two lanes of traffic in each direction, with a multi-use pathway east of the northbound lanes. The bridge structure will be inspected and rehabilitated as necessary requiring extensive work. When complete, the bridge will be widened, and sidewalks, curbs and MUP lanes will be installed to provide safe connections over the bridge and to the new Jeanne d’Arc O-Train Station.


Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard overpass at Highway 174.

The construction work outlined in this notice is subject to change. Work may be delayed or extended due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Anticipated Impacts

Lane reductions will be in place, limiting traffic to one lane in each direction. Alternate traffic arrangements will be considered if queuing causes traffic issues on surrounding roadways.

Over the course of the construction period, approximately ten major weekend closures will be required to rehabilitate the bridge and ramps. Periodic overnight highway and road closures for bridge work will be required as well. Notice will be provided in advance of specific activities taking place.

Motorists should adhere to traffic control signage, posted speed limits, allow for added travel time and use extra caution when moving through active construction corridors as traffic patterns change.

Motorists should adhere to detours during major weekend closures and overnight closures.

At least one sidewalk will be open throughout the work to accommodate pedestrians through the work zone.

Noise and vibration from trucks and heavy equipment is expected.

Police are aware of this work and will monitor the impacts of traffic on residential streets, including Fortune Drive and Grey Nuns Drive. Traffic is not expected to increase on these streets, however, if cut-through traffic is observed, then additional mitigation measures will be investigated.


Major weekend closures and periodic overnight closures will be communicated through the Stage 2 e-newsletter and posted to the Stage 2 website. To receive the Stage 2 e-newsletter, please sign up at and select ‘Jeanne d’Arc Station’.

Updates on the progress of this work will be sent through the Stage 2 e-newsletter periodically over the coming months. Questions and inquiries about this work should be sent to


Accessibility is an important consideration for the Stage 2 LRT project. If you require special accommodation due to this work, please contact