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Jeanne d’Arc Blvd. public information session: Questions & Answers


The community was invited to an information session on September 27, 2023 regarding the Jeanne d’Arc bridge rehabilitation work that will be undertaken as part of Stage 2. The presentation can be watched here. The general themes that were raised by residents:

  • Bridge layout and design
  • Safety considerations for cyclist and pedestrians
  • The final configuration of the multiuse pathway system
  • The bus service that customers can expect during this work
  • Traffic disruptions and optimization of closures to reduce disruptions

Community members are always welcome to submit questions and feedback on project activities via

General comments

  • Ensure the Jeanne d’Arc overpass is never closed at the same time as the Orleans blvd overpass to prevent extreme traffic issues and that emergency responders can have access to the Convent Glen areas (north and south).
    • The city agrees that the full closure of both overpasses would not be done.
  • Why were the bridges not fixed before the stations were put in. this cannot be financially logical.
    • Planned work on the bridge is to enhance connectivity in the area and not due to bridge needs.
  • The closure this weekend led to an enormous amount of traffic driving through Grey Nuns Drive. and at faster than appropriate speeds. there were also additional buses (38 for example) that drove through grey nuns. it did not seem that people had a clear understanding that St. Joseph was the detour. better signage would be helpful (a notice that indicates local traffic only once cars arrive onto grey nuns seems ill placed).
    • This feedback will be considered when implementing any detours and traffic control plans. The full closure was required to switch the traffic lanes to be on the east side of the bridge only. It is likely that full closures will only be required in the future to switch between the stages, this is currently only expected to occur twice prior to the project completion.
  • Could you provide clearer signage for traffic exiting Hwy 174 eastbound, then turning left to head northbound? I witnessed a near incident with a vehicle turning into what they thought was the inside lane (but actually the incoming traffic lane).
    • The site will be assessed to ensure that the signage is installed properly and is sufficient.
  • The presenter just said that some bearings need to be replaced and you don't yet know the extent of the work required; this will be known once you "get in there". Please elaborate.
    • The new bridge will have wider sidewalks and the bearings need to be replaced to take the additional load. Until the structure’s surface is exposed, the extent of the required repairs to the concrete cannot be known.
  • The intersection southbound at the westbound ramp is awkward. As a driver, it almost seems as though I'm driving through a red light to take the right turn because the on ramp and off ramp don't line up. It looks as though that is not going to change.
    • The implementation of the design was reviewed and found to match the design. This will be reviewed again, with specific eye to this concern.
  • “Losing the west ramp is a major inconvenience, and the new intersection is far more dangerous for pedestrians then the ramp was.”
  • Does the highway traffic act allow you to put signs that tell pedestrians to yield to drivers, I didn’t think that was allowed.
    • It is permitted and used regularly at Province of Ontario off and on ramps to 400 series and controlled access highways. The work that is being done with this construction will provide a raised crossing at on ramp from northbound Jeanne d’Arc to the westbound highway 174. As well as reduced the turning radius significantly, which provides two distinct measures to slow down traffic. Once implemented, the control will be changed here to require drivers to yield to pedestrians.
  • As a pedestrian trying to walk south across the westbound on ramp toward the bridge on the west side, it is incredibly unsafe. I once waited for 7 cars to almost hit me before one had to stop when the light turned yellow. waving at them all from the corner to indicate I was trying to cross with my green light did nothing. Cars treat it like an on ramp with no regard for pedestrians the way it is currently designed.
    • An examination will be done to see if signage could be increased at this location to improve safety measures before crossings are improved after the bridge is rehabilitated.
  • Was consideration given to place signage indicating cyclists and motorists should ride/drive single file? Instead of the permanent "share the road" signage.  This is an issue on the Orléans Blvd overpass too... With the cones and construction barriers there is not enough space for motorists to pass cyclists, but some do.
    • It will be a ‘single file’ signs that will be implemented.
  • Signage is not safety! Safety needs to be incorporated into the design. Please reach out to community members to learn about their daily experience with this roadway so that you can plan adequately.
    • Ways to improve safety at this location in addition to signage will be examined.
  • Those of us in the area have seen a significant decrease in service. I never used to have to even check the schedule because a bus would come every 5-7 minutes, yet now they sometimes come every 18 minutes in the morning. this is an atrocious loss of service.
    • This feedback is captured and further information on future bus route changes will be communicated through various OC Transpo communication channels.
  • For the east side of the sidewalk, I suggest speed bumps, a crosswalk or something for cars to know they have to stop for people crossing.
    • Thank you for this suggestion, it will be shared with traffic staff to determined ways to improve safety at this location.


Sidewalks and multi-use pathways 

Is the sidewalk on the west side of the bridge currently a standard size?

The sidewalk on the west side currently conforms to the Provincial accessibility requirements. To improve the access and comfort of individuals accessing the LRT station it is to be widen.

How far will the multi-use pathways extend to the north and south? How can bikes transition from the road to the multi-use pathways? do you expect pedestrians can safely use the multi-use pathways with cyclists having that as their only option?

The multi-use pathway starts from the parking lot on the south side and extends north to Fortune Drive. The transition will be with raised crossing on the ramps and depressed curbs to the cross the boulevard itself.

It appears that those using the multi-use pathways, east side, will be interacting with passengers stepping off the buses and entering the LRT station. What is being done to make that safe for all users?

The City and OC Transpo have developed a set of design guidelines to manage this interaction. These guidelines were a design requirement for this work and will be implemented in time for the LRT service to open to the public.

It looks like the east side of the sidewalk will be closed for an extended time. What safety measures can you provide so pedestrians who have to cross over the onramp and conflict with cars are better protected?

OC Transpo will inquire with traffic staff about ways to improve the safety at this location. This may include increase signage at this location to improve the safety measures before the crossings are improved after the bridge is rehabilitated.

Will the sidewalks be widened on both sides (east/west) of the overpass bridge, how does that compare to the current configuration?

In the final configuration both sides of the sidewalks will be widened. The east side is being widened to accommodate the new multi-purpose pathway. In the final configuration there will be a 4 metres multi-use pathway on the east side and a 3 metres sidewalk on the west side.

How can a 3 metres (9 ft) wide sidewalk be built on the west side, given the bridge isn't being widened? How are you able to keep this bridge 4 lanes and add the cycling lane?

This is being achieved by reducing the size of the new median. The width of the new median will be approximately 0.5 metres.

Will the finished median concrete island have fencing preventing pedestrians from crossing the street at the station, or will there be a pedestrian crossing before/after the station to encourage crossing (such as the anticipated crossing on the Orleans Blvd bridge)?

A railing will be installed to prevent pedestrians from crossing the street in the middle of the bridge. Additionally, there will be a crossing on both sides to encourage safe crossing.

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Construction work

What measures have you put in place to ensure pedestrian and cyclist safety during the lane closures and the bridge work?

During this work one side of the sidewalk will remain open. Cyclist may continue to safely share the road with vehicular traffic as it is currently done.

How wide are the lanes on the bridge currently or before the change? Is the size of the lanes being reduced from the original bridge?

Prior to this work, the traffic lanes were 3.5 metres wide. They will remain 3.5 metres wide during the work, however, there will only be one lane per direction during the construction period.

We were told on multiple occasions that the bridge did not need replacing as part of this project; what has changed?

The planned work on the bridge is to enhanced connectivity in this area and not due to the condition of the bridge.

Heading North, there are signs indicating that the right lane is to head east on the highway and the left lane is to cross the bridge. Could these signs be moved further from the bridge? By the time drivers see them, they have to cut over to the left lane causing more traffic issues.

The signage placement in the field will be reviewed and it will be modified if improvements to traffic operations can be achieved.

This work makes cycling on this bridge very dangerous, as confused and frustrated motorists are less likely to safely share the road with cyclists. Is there signage in place to advise motorists of their responsibility to share the road?

There typically is “single file’ signage in place in conditions such as these. The implementation on Jeanne d’Arc will be reviewed to determine if signs are found to be missing and will be added if needed.

It looks like Stage 1 has more work required the Stage 2 (replacing bearings on the bridge, for example). How can both stages take the same amount of time?

Work is being done simultaneously during both stages. The work and schedule are driven by the structure work that needs to be performed on both parapets.

Is there anticipated full closure of Highway 174 during the bridge rehabilitation to prevent issues with traffic flowing beneath the bridge work, such as the bearing replacements?

Yes. Largely the overnight work is done to install falsework and formwork to allow the demolition of the existing parapets.

There is also construction happening on Saint Joseph Boulevard between Jeanne d'Arc Boulevard and Youville Drive -limiting traffic to one lane. With both projects happening at the same time, it causes long delays during peak hours.  I know it's unrelated to the LRT construction, but do we have a timeline for that project?

The current timeline has completion scheduled for late October.

What work have you done to prevent the cut-through issues? It is very evident to everyone who lives here that these closures will be problematic.

‘Local traffic only’ signs are installed at locations that are likely to be used as cut-through routes.

What's up with all the issues from Tenth Line to Trim Road? How can I trust these timelines here when things change all the time in that area?

There were issues with weather, crew, and equipment availability. This caused the change of dates for work from Tenth line to Trim on a few occasions within a few weeks of each other. Work is being done to improve the information that is being is happening in this corridor.

If it is only 2 lanes, when a vehicle breaks down, does towing have authority to remove the disabled vehicle without police presence?

The Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021 and the City of Ottawa Towing Services Licensing By-law regulate towing services. The vehicle owner has the right to decide who can tow their vehicle, and to where, unless otherwise directed by police or by-law officer, or a member of the Paramedic of Fire Service. The tow operator cannot move a vehicle from an accident scene where a police report is required until the report has been made, unless it is to move it for the purpose of preventing injury or damage, or to avoid undue interference with traffic.

Is it possible to not close Jeanne d'Arc to one lane until after the intersection at Fortune/Vineyard? There is tremendous backlog as cars approach that intersection and must stop to wait for a car that wishes to turn left.

There will be a review of the implementation plan on Jeanne d’Arc north of highway 174 and make any optimization possible to assist with this feedback.

Is someone tasked with visiting the construction site to ensure that all signage is in place and no safety issues exist?

KEV and the City perform a daily site inspection to ensure that the signage is complaint to regulation and to ensure the site is safe.

Is the decision to permanently close the west bound on ramp final?

The ramp gets reconfigured but stays open in the final alignment. It’s the old ramp from before Stage 2 works that is closed.

Does this mean an additional 1 meter for bike traffic going in both directions? That seems too narrow for this purpose.

The 4 metre multi-use pathway on the east side will accommodate bi-directional cycling activity. The minimum width for multi-use pathways in the city is 2.5 metres and the typical with is 3 metres. The additional metre of width is to reflect the higher level of activity that is anticipated when the station opens.

What are the intersection design guidelines? Could you please provide an example elsewhere in the city that this interaction strategy has been successfully implemented?

An example of incorporating design guidelines features at a transit station, with an on-street bus stop in front of it, is on Booth Street in front of Pimisi Station. However, each implementation will have slightly different features and operational conditions, making it not possible to find an example that is exactly  analogous to what Jeanne d'Arc will be like following the opening of the LRT Stage 2 East Extension.

What is the anticipated end date of all of this construction in my backyard? Why is this going to take so long?

The substantial completion for the project is scheduled for January 2025. Duration is determined by the scope of work. The work has been limited to ensure two lanes and one sidewalk are maintained throughout. As with any rehabilitation project of an existing structure, there are other unknowns regarding the condition of the structure and winter conditions.

The "repairs" to the overpass are concerning for many. Would this work on the overpass have been undertaken at this time if LRT were not in play? Is this the City's version of "fast" bridge replacement as we have seen for the last few years along the 417 (which is Provincial jurisdiction)?

The bridge did not require replacement. Planned work on the bridge is to enhanced connectivity in the area and not due to the bridge needing replacement. 

Will the speed limit remain 60 after everything is complete?

Yes, the final configuration supports a speed limit of 60 km/h.

What is the expected end-of-life for the bridge and overpass?

The Jeanne d’Arc bridge has a design life of 75 years. However, a longer life than 75 years may be achieved through proper maintenance and bridge rehabilitations.

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What is your communication plan with respect to getting information out to residents in a timely manner? What can be done to improve this for residents?

  • In advance of each stage of work starting an updated notice on the project and traffic configuration will be provided to residents. This information will be shared on and with ward Councillors.
  • For any specific impacts, like weekend, or overnight closures, information will be shared in advance through electronic notices, including OC Transpo’s website, and the traffic map on Additionally, OC Transpo will communicate traffic impacts through various channels including social media.

OC Transpo is notorious for poor communication. Can you add transit information to your notices to attempt to reach the greatest number of people?

OC Transpo will review this suggestion. For planned detours, customers are also encouraged to use OC Transpo’s online travel planner to get updated trip information.

How many participants attended this session?

Approximately 80 participants attended.

Will you be hosting another information session?

OC Transpo is happy to provide additional updates to the community on the project or specific elements.

Could you post again the slide showing the finished look of the bridge?

A copy of the slides from this meeting is available online.

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Bus service

What is the plan for rerouting buses during full closures of the overpass?

Bus services will typically be detoured via Fortune drive, Orleans Boulevard, and Lumberman and Grey Nuns drive or St. Joseph boulevard. For routes that stop on the on-or off-ramps, service may be temporarily discontinued at Jeanne d'Arc Station, and customers would be required to transfer to a local route at Blair or Place d'Orléans. Depending on the specific route, connections to local routes are possible on Jeanne d'Arc boulevard and St Joseph boulevard. OC Transpo will continue to work to ensure that detours are optimized whenever possible to provide the best possible service to customers throughout any closure scenarios.

Where are buses dropping off people to the station? Will the bus stops be right at the station entrances, or farther back on the approaches?

New bus stops will be constructed as part of the new station construction. The new bus stops will be located on the bridge over highway 174, in close proximately to the new station entrance plazas towards the middle of the bridge. Both the northbound and southbound bus stop will be used for pick-ups and drop-offs, depending on the direction that the bus route travels.

Jeanne d'Arc station post-construction location stop changes

Where will buses connect to the station to take train passengers away from the station?

New bus stops will be constructed as part of the new station construction. The new bus stops will be located on the bridge over highway 174, in close proximately to the new station entrance plazas towards the middle of the bridge. Both the northbound and southbound bus stop will be used for pick-ups and drop-offs, depending on the direction that the bus route travels.

When will OC Transpo be announcing details of post-Stage 2 route readjustments? I.e. will local routes be cut to end at Jeanne d'Arc station instead of Blair? Will there be an increased bus service to Jeanne D’Arc transitway stop?

Currently, there is a Route Review underway and any changes will be communicate through various OC Transpo communication channels.

Once completed will the outside driving lanes be for buses only or all vehicle traffic?

On the Jeanne d’Arc overpass, the outside curb lanes will be general traffic lanes. Buses will stop in the general traffic lanes to service the bus stops.

From what I understand the bus drop off northbound till be done before the eastbound onramp (thus not requiring a cross over the MUP). is that correct? if so, this requires quite a long walk for those with mobility issues or mobility devices.

The existing northbound and southbound bus stops on Jeanne d’Arc will remain in approximately the same location that they are today until the East extension of the O-Train is in operation. Currently, there is a set of northbound and southbound bus stops near the south ramp terminal (eastbound off ramp/on-ramp) and the north ramp terminal (westbound off-ramp/on-ramp), which allows convenient connections for customers between local bus routes operating along Jeanne d’Arc boulevard and Transitway buses operating along highway 174, using the Transitway platforms – either on the eastbound off-ramp or the westbound on-ramp.

Throughout construction, it may be necessary to shift these bus stops slightly, whether north-south along Jeanne d’Arc, or back and forth as lanes are closed and the travel lanes are shifted, and in some cases, an alternate stop may be required during short duration closures or detours, however, connections for customers between local routes and Transitway routes will be available whenever possible throughout the various phases of construction. The intent is not to open the new bus stops at the new station entrances and close the current bus stops until the train is operational, in an effort to reduce connection distances for customers as much as possible.

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