Youth and Child fares
Child fares
Transit fares effective January 1, 2025
Kids 10 and under ride free.
If you’re taking a bus, Para Transpo, or Para Transpo Rural, simply board without paying a fare. If you’re taking the O-Train, you can:
- Enter at the accessible (wide) fare gate with a fare-paying adult.
- Tap through the fare gate with your Child card or school board issued Presto card, if you have one.
Getting your child card
In person
To get a free OC Transpo Child card, visit the Rideau Centre Customer Service Centre.
By email
Email us at with the information below and we’ll mail you your child’s card. Include the following:
- A clear photo of the child, from the shoulder up
- Child’s first and last names
- Child’s birth date
- Guardian's mailing address
- Phone number
- Your choice of the three card designs: owl, train, or bus:
Pre-Teen fares
Children aged 11 and 12 are eligible for the new $2.00 Pre-Teen single-ride fare. This discount is only available on Presto card and Para Pay.
Setting up your Presto card for a Pre-teen discount
Anyone can buy a Presto card with an age-based discount. You can buy it for yourself or on behalf of an eligible person. You must meet eligibility criteria to use the card with a discounted fare. You also need to prove eligibility if requested.
Tap tip
At Presto retailers and the Pre-Teen discount will display as “Child”. Don’t worry! This is the correct discount.
Youth fares
- Monthly Youth pass offers discounts for frequent riders 11–19
- Full-time students at Algonquin, Carleton, Saint Paul and uOttawa receive a U-Pass valid for their school term
- Some high school students will receive a Presto card from their school board.
- Contact your school board to see if you qualify before buying a pass!
O-Payment/Presto e‑Purse | |
Single ride | $4.00 |
Monthly Pass | $104.00 |
Setting up your Presto card for a Youth discount
Anyone can buy a Presto card with an age-based discount. You can buy it for yourself or on behalf of an eligible person. You must meet eligibility criteria to use the card with a discounted fare. You also need to prove eligibility if requested.
2-for-1 DayPass
Weekends & statutory holidays
On weekends and statutory holidays, the one DayPass can be used as a 2-for-1 DayPass (valid for two customers aged 11 or older).
Get your DayPass on the bus (using exact change or money from your Presto e-Purse) or from the ticket machine at the O‑Train station (using cash, credit or debit).