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Tap and ride with O-Payment

Pay your fare by tapping with Interac® Debit card, Visa, Mastercard, or Google Pay or Apple Pay mobile wallets at fare readers on buses and fare gates at O-Train stations.

When you tap, the screen on the fare reader or fare gate will turn green and show "Accepted". You will be charged a regular Adult fare. Tap using the same card or mobile wallet to transfer between trips on buses and the O-Train. You won’t be charged again as long as you are within the regular transfer window.

Transcript and text description


On-screen imagery



Animated O reveals dancers in front of a Line 1 station 

Upbeat music


A customer enters the scene walking toward the fare gates; the dancers hold up oversized credit cards and mobile wallets and direct him toward the fare gates

Have you heard the news?


The customer walks toward the fare gates with the dancers in the background

Now can tap your credit card, debit card


Close up of customer tapping their mobile wallet on fare gate

and mobile wallet to pay for a ride on OC Transpo.

*Electronic Beep*


Customer passes through gates


Customer walks through station followed by dancers with oversize credit cards and mobile wallets

Just tap for one Adult fare


Dancers outside bus spin and tap oversized credit cards and mobile wallets on side of bus  

on all O-Train fare gates, and on all buses!


Customer enters bus, taps credit card on reader

Tap and ride all day and it will never cost you more than the price of a DayPass.

*Electronic Beep*


Customer proceeds down

stairs in Line 1 station; dancers follow with oversized credit cards and mobile wallet

Tap and ride every day  


Overhead view of dancers holding oversized credit cards and mobile wallets over their heads then all tapping their cards/wallets toward the centre

and will never cost you more than an Adult monthly pass.


Overhead view of dancers running in a circle with oversized credit cards and mobile wallets over their heads, then exiting off camera

O-Payment from OC Transpo...


Animated circle appears where dancers were,

Tap and ride.


Animated circle resolves into O-Payment logo which animates to reveal the O-Payment, OC Transpo, VISA and Mastercard logos

*Electronic Beep*


Music ends

Ride as much as you want!

If you tap outside of the transfer window, you will be charged another Adult fare. But you’ll never be charged more than the price of a DayPass over a period of a day. Each month, you will not be charged more than the price of an Adult monthly pass. The fare is calculated each night and then charged to your card.

Things to know

Paper transfers are not issued for O-Payment. Additionally, the following cards are not accepted:

  • American Express
  • Prepaid credit card
  • Visa gift card
  • Mastercard gift card

O-Payment is not available on STO and cannot be used to transfer to Para Transpo. Presto is still your best option if you:

  • regularly transfer between OC Transpo and STO.
  • regularly transfer between buses, the O-Train and Para Transpo.
  • are eligible for a discounted fare.

O-Payment website

With the O-Payment website you can track your O-Payment trips and payments and print receipts. Track your trips, payments, and print receipts by registering for an account. You'll also find details on all transfers, daily capping and monthly capping that have been applied. Please contact OC Transpo Customer Service at 613-560-5000 for specific questions about debit or credit card charges.

Sign in to O-Payment

Getting started

Before you are able to register a new account or add a new card to an existing account, you must complete a trip on O-Train or a bus using your debit card, credit card, or mobile wallet.

Within a day or two, you will then receive a payment charge on your debit or credit statement connected to the trip you completed. It will contain a Service Reference Identification (SRID) and the amount paid for the trip. Your SRID will look different on your debit statement compared to your credit statement:

  • On your credit statement, you will see OCT* followed by the SRID, a combination of 13 or 14 letters and numbers:
    • OCT*NZJR159O4Z12X3
  • On your debit statement, you will not see OCT. Depending on the bank you use, you may or may not see an asterisk, but there will be the SRID's combination of 13 or 14 letters and numbers:
    • *NZJR159O4Z12X3 or;
    • NZJR159O4Z12X3

Once you have found your SRID, use this information to register or add a new card on the O-Payment website. (Note: The SRID must be entered in uppercase letters). Once you register, you'll be able to track your taps.

Registering and signing in

Don't have an account? Register by clicking the link under the green "Sign in" button, input your email address, a nickname that you wish to assign to this card in the ‘cardholder name’ field, the *SRID and the amount paid. Please read and agree to the terms and conditions and when you are ready, click the “Create” button.

You will receive an email that will walk you through creating a password.

Don’t want to make an account? No problem. Click “Download receipt”. Input the SRID and download a PDF receipt. For a more accessible receipt, please call 613-560-5000.

Registering an account.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Sign in with your email address and password.

Forgot password? Click on the "Reset password" link below the green "Sign in" button. Input your email address. You will receive an email that will walk you through creating a password.

Signing into your account.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Your account

Once you're signed in, you'll be able to access the Customer area where you can download receipts from your trips and track your payment history.

Easily switch between English and French using the "EN" and "FR" buttons in the top menu.

Customer area.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Your Account shows you the registered first and last names. Edit the names or change your password by inputting the current password, and the new password twice.

Your account.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Managing your cards

In the Cards section, every card you have added to your account will be listed as blue cards.

Managing cards.

Click the image above for a closer look.

To add a card, click on the blue card with the plus sign. Input a nickname that you wish to assign to this card in the "Cardholder name" field, the *SRID, the amount paid, and then click "Add".

Adding a card.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Click on a blue card to:

  • check your card information such as the payment method, ID number, and expiry date.
  • review the payment history with details like payment total, date, and time.
  • see trip information that includes the route you took and when.

Unlink your cards by clicking on the red button in the bottom left.

Card details.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Viewing trips and payments

You can review details by Trip or Payments as well. Filter your trips or payments from a certain date to the present date, using the field at the top left.

Under Trips, see details such as the route taken, date, time, and fare paid. Click on a trip to view additional details like the start and end and location of your trip.

Viewing trips.

Click the image above for a closer look.

Under Payments, see details like fare paid and billing date. Click on a payment to view additional details like the route taken and trip date and time. You can also download a receipt here.

Trip details.

Click the image above for a closer look.